Dioceses, Pastoral and Mission Measure 2007

Reorganisation schemes

4Preparation and making of reorganisation schemes

(1)It shall be the duty of the Commission to prepare and make schemes in accordance with sections 6 and 7 below, and a scheme made under the said section 7 and confirmed by Order in Council under section 8 below is referred to in this Measure as a “reorganisation scheme”.

(2)A reorganisation scheme may be made following proposals submitted to the Commission by a bishop under section 5 below or prepared by the Commission under section 6(3) below without the submission of any such proposals.

(3)A reorganisation scheme may make provision for one or more of the following purposes—

(a)the foundation of one or more new diocesan bishoprics with one or more dioceses constituted from one or more existing dioceses and, if necessary, the dissolution of one or more existing dioceses and the abolition of the bishopric or bishoprics thereof;

(b)the transfer of the whole of the area of any diocese to another diocese and the dissolution of the first mentioned diocese and the abolition of the bishopric thereof;

(c)the transfer of parts of the area of any diocese to one or more other dioceses and, if necessary, the dissolution of the first mentioned diocese and the abolition of the bishopric thereof;

(d)the transfer of a diocese or parts of the area of any diocese from one province to another.

(4)Schedule 2 to this Measure, which sets out the provisions which must or may be made by a reorganisation scheme, shall have effect.