Part 5Contents and effect of pastoral schemes and orders

Pastoral orders

I151Powers exercisable by pastoral order

The following powers exercisable under this Part by a pastoral scheme shall also be exercisable by a pastoral order, that is to say—


the power to alter the areas of benefices or parishes or to define their boundaries under section 31(1)(c) or to alter or define extra-parochial places under section 31(1)(d), but not so as to transfer from any benefice or parish any church used for public worship;


the power to alter the name of any benefice or parish under section 31(2);


the power to provide for the holding in plurality of any two or more benefices (subject to such conditions, if any, as may be specified) under section 32;


the powers to provide for creating, altering or dissolving, for designating, and for naming or altering the name of, an archdeaconry or deanery under section 33;


the power to—


assign a special cure of souls or other responsibilities to vicars in team ministries under section 34(7);


assign to any member of a team who is not a member of the team chapter a special responsibility for pastoral care, so far as is consistent with that member's office, under section 34(8);


alter a team ministry or change the office of a vicar in a team ministry under section 36(1)(b);


alter a team ministry under section 36(1)(c) or (d);


establish a group ministry under section 35(1) and terminate or alter a group ministry under section 36(1)(e) or (f);


provide for supplementary, consequential or transitional matters under section 36(1)(g);


the power under section 38(3) to provide for the designation or selection of incumbents of benefices to be held in plurality;


the powers under section 41(1) to make provision with respect to churches;


the powers under section 45 as respects parsonage houses and the residences of vicars in team ministries, except so far as they relate to a new benefice;


the power under section 46(1) to provide for the exchange or transfer of rights of patronage of any benefice or church and the power to provide for the exercise of patronage of benefices held in plurality under section 46(5).


the power to provide for the payment to the income account of the diocesan stipends fund of the income of the endowments of a benefice under section 47(1);


the power under section 47(5) to make provision as to the manner in which moneys arising from any sale or exchange of the property of a benefice under the Parsonages Measure 1938 are to be dealt with;


the powers under section 49 so far as they relate to altering the boundaries between a parish or extra-parochial place in one diocese and a parish or extra-parochial place in another, but not so as to transfer from any benefice or parish any church used for public worship, and the powers under that section so far as they relate to the holding of benefices in plurality, subject to the modification that the reference to the conditions specified in section 15 shall include a reference to the condition specified in section 17(3);

and accordingly those provisions of this Part, and also sections 32(4), 41(6), (7) and (8) and 47(2) and (3), shall apply, subject to any limitations specified above, to pastoral orders as they apply to pastoral schemes: