Mission and Pastoral Measure 2011

53Amendment and revocation of pastoral schemes and orders

(1)A pastoral scheme may be amended or revoked by a subsequent pastoral scheme or may, in respect of matters falling within the powers exercisable by a pastoral order, be amended by a pastoral order.

(2)A pastoral order may be amended or revoked by a subsequent pastoral order or pastoral scheme.

(3)If an amending pastoral scheme or order involves the exercise of powers under section 49 or 50, the conditions mentioned in those sections or in section 51(l), as the case may require, shall be complied with.

(4)An amending pastoral scheme or order may provide for any matters for which provision could have been made by the scheme or order to be amended.

(5)A pastoral scheme or order, or any provision thereof, may be revoked or amended under this section before it comes into operation.

(6)Where a pastoral order has made provision for the holding in plurality of any two or more benefices and any such provision has been terminated the bishop may, by instrument, make such consequential amendments to the order as he thinks fit.