(1)A vacancy in the see of Canterbury does not affect the exercise of jurisdiction by the Arches Court of Canterbury.
(2)A vacancy in the see of York does not affect the exercise of jurisdiction by the Chancery Court of York.
(3)A vacancy in the see of Canterbury or York does not affect the exercise of jurisdiction by the Vicar-General’s court of the province in question.
(4)A vacancy in the see of Canterbury or York or of the bishop of any other diocese does not affect the exercise of jurisdiction by the consistory court of the diocese in question.
(5)A vacancy in a see as mentioned in this section does not affect the discharge of functions by a judge, member or officer of a court referred to in this section.
(6)A vacancy in an archiepiscopal or diocesan see does not affect the discharge by the Vicar-General of the province or diocese in question or by a surrogate of the Vicar-General of the functions of the Vicar-General or surrogate.
(7)The appointment of a person as chancellor, registrar or Vicar-General of a diocese is not terminated merely because—
(a)a vacancy in the diocesan see is terminated, and
(b)the appointment has not previously been confirmed by the Chapter of the cathedral of the diocese.
(8)The appointment of a person as Vicar-General of a province is not terminated merely because—
(a)a vacancy in the archiepiscopal see is terminated, and
(b)the appointment has not previously been confirmed by the metropolitical church of the diocese.
(9)The appointment of a person as a surrogate of the Vicar-General of a diocese is not terminated merely because a vacancy occurs in the office of that Vicar-General.
(10)In the application of subsection (7)(b) to the Cathedral Church of Christ in Oxford, the reference to the Chapter is to be read as a reference to the Dean and Chapter.