Burials and consecrationE

89Consecration of ground added to churchyardE

(1)This section applies where ground adjoining a churchyard has been or is added to it.

(2)The bishop of the diocese may, at the churchyard or in the church to which the ground belongs, sign an instrument declaring and recording the consecration of the ground, without the need for the chancellor or registrar of the diocese to be present.

(3)The instrument must be in the form of a plan of the ground with the following endorsement—

I, ...., Bishop of ... , do hereby declare and record the ground added to the churchyard of ... , as on the plan, to be consecrated ground and part of the churchyard.

(4)The instrument is to be treated as signed by the bishop of the diocese if it is signed by a bishop nominated by him or her for the purposes of this section (whether another diocesan bishop or a suffragan or assistant bishop).

(5)The signature on the instrument must be witnessed by—

(a)the chancellor,

(b)a surrogate,

(c)a clerk in Holy Orders beneficed or licensed to serve in the diocese, or

(d)the churchwardens of the church concerned.

(6)Once the instrument, having been signed and witnessed, is deposited in the registry of the diocese, it has the same effect as a sentence of consecration.

(7)Sections 5 to 7 of the Consecration of Churchyards Act 1867 (conveyancing procedure etc.) apply for the purposes of this section and sections 90 and 91 as they apply for the purposes of that Act.