Introductory Text
The Church Commissioners
1.Power to make grants to Archbishops’ Council
2.Land registration: disposals of church land
Church services
3.Marriage: licensing chapel during suspension period in benefice
4.Funerals: conduct
Ecclesiastical offices
5.Bishops: delegation of functions to other bishops
6.Terms of service
Ecclesiastical jurisdiction
7.Provincial courts: decisions to be treated as taken by each Court
General Synod
9.Timing of sessions and membership of House committees
Statutory bodies: procedure
10.Legal Aid Commission: rules
11.Execution of documents
12.Delegation and casual vacancies
13.Disqualification as trustee
14.Provision of services to PCC by member
Mission and pastoral
15.Pastoral schemes and orders: notice and approval, etc.
16.Bishop’s mission order
17.Short title, commencement and extent
Amendments to Church of England (Legal Aid) Rules 1995
2.Meetings and procedure of Legal Aid Commission
3.Electronic service of documents
4.Casting vote for chairman on decision whether to grant or terminate legal aid
5.(1) In rule 15 (discharge or revocation of certificate), after...
6.Assessment of costs
7.Delay by solicitor in putting in bill of costs