1 Financial assistance for certain church schools.


The Church Commissioners shall have power to make payments out of their general fund to the Central Board of Finance of the Church of England for the provision of financial assistance for Church of England aided schools and Church of England special agreement schools in accordance with the provision of this section.


The aggregate amount of any payments made under the foregoing subsection shall not exceed one million pounds, and no such payment shall be made after the expiration of the period of twenty-five years beginning with the date of the passing of this Measure.


The Central Board of Finance of the Church of England shall out of moneys paid to them under subsection (1) of this section make to such diocesan bodies as they may think fit:—


payments by way of grant or by way of loan, or partly by way of grant and partly by way of loan, for the improvenent or extension of the buildings of secondary schools which are Church of England aided schools or Church of England special agreement schools or for the provision of sites or buildings for such schools.


payments by way of loan for the improvement or extension of the buildings of primary schools which are Church of England aided Schools or for the provision of sites or buildings for such schools.

2 Interpretation.


In this Measure:—

the expressions “aided school”, “primary school”, “secondary school” and “special agreement school” have the same meanings as in F1the Education Act 1996; and

the expression “Church of England aided school” means an aided school which is a church school as defined by the M1Diocesan Education Committees Measure 1955 and the expression “Church of England special agreement school” means a special agreement school which is a Church school as defined by the said measure.


Reference in this Measure to any Act or Measure shall be construed as references to that Act or Measure as amended by any subsequent Act or Measure.

3 Extent.

This Measure shall extend to the whole of the Provinces of Canterbury and York, except the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.

4 Short title.

This Measure may be cited as the Church Schools (Assistance by Church Commissioners) Measure 1958.