2AF1 Power to divide and improve parsonage houses during vacancy in benefice. C1


During a vacancy in a benefice the bishop shall have power, with the consent of the Commissioners, F2and the Diocesan Dilapidations Board, to authorise the sequestrators of the benefice:—


to divide the residence house of the benefice into two or more parts or to reduce the size of the residence house in any other way,


to enlarge the residence house,


to carry out improvements to the residence house and the outbuildings thereof, and


to carry out improvements to the drive paths and garden of the residence house,

and for the purpose of carrying out any work authorised under this section the sequestrators may enter upon the land of the benefice.


Where the residence house of a benefice is occupied by a member of the team in a team ministry, the sequestrators shall not carry out any work authorised under this section without that member’s consent.


Where the bishop during a vacancy in a benefice exercises his power under subsection (1) of this section and the vacancy is filled before the work undertaken in pursuance of that power has been completed, the incumbent succeeding to the benefice shall, to the extent of any moneys specially applicable or lent by the Commissioners, complete that work with such modifications, if any, as may be agreed by the bishop, the Commissioners and the Diocesan Dilapidations Board, and in default of his so doing the Diocesan Dilapidations Board may complete the work.