Deferred action notices

Review of deferred action notices

114.—(1) The Executive may at any time review any deferred action notice served by it, and it shall do so not later than 2 years after the notice becomes operative and at intervals of not more than 2 years thereafter.

  • The Department may by order amend this paragraph so as to specify such other period or periods as it considers appropriate.

(2) The Executive shall for the purposes of any such review inspect the premises concerned.

  • For this purpose Articles 13 (power to enter land) and 160 (penalty for obstruction) of the Order of 1981 apply as they apply for the purposes of that Order.

(3) If the Executive is satisfied that the deferred action notice remains the most satisfactory course of action, it shall renew the notice and serve notice of its decision.

(4) The provisions of Article 112 (service of deferred action notice) and Article 113(1) to (5) (appeals against deferred action notices) apply in relation to the Executive’s decision to renew a deferred action notice as in relation to the original notice.

(5) If an appeal is brought against the decision to renew a deferred action notice, the notice remains operative until any decision on the appeal, or any further appeal, quashing or varying the notice.

(6) If the Executive takes action in relation to the premises under any of the provisions listed in Article 46A(1) of the Order of 1981, the deferred action notice shall cease to be operative on the relevant notice, order or declaration becoming operative.