(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order makes amendments, and a repeal and a revocation consequential on Part 2 of the Health and Social Care (Community Health and Standards) Act 2003 (“the Act”). Part 2 of the Act is concerned with the establishment and functions of the Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection (“the CHAI”) and the Commission for Social Care Inspection (“the CSCI”). The statutory functions of the National Care Standards Commission, which was established under the Care Standards Act 2000 and which is abolished under the Act, are transferred under the Act in part to the CSCI and in part to the CHAI. The CHAI will, in addition, carry out functions formerly carried out by the Commission for Health Improvement (“the CHI”) which was established under the Health Act 1999, and which is also abolished under the Act.

Article 2(1) amends references in primary legislation to the CHI to the CHAI. It also inserts references to the CHAI and to the CSCI in primary legislation.

Article 2(2) repeals or revokes (as the case may be) references to the CHI in primary and subordinate legislation.

A full regulatory impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as it has no impact on the costs of business.