Particulars in returns

6.—(1) For the purpose of this article any reference to an item is to an item specified in Schedule 2, and—

“the resident particulars” are those specified in items 1 to 3;

“the visitor particulars” are those specified in items 4 and 5;

“the demographic particulars” are those specified in items 6 to 20;

“the education and employment particulars” are those specified in items 21 to 26;

“the accommodation particulars” are those specified in items 27 to 33;

“the additional particulars for Wales” are those specified in item 34; and

“the additional particulars for individual returns” are those specified in items 35 and 36.

(2) Every return made in accordance with article 5(1) or (3) must state—

(a)the resident particulars;

(b)if any reckonable visitor is present on census night, the visitor particulars;

(c)the accommodation particulars; and

(d)in respect of each usual resident other than one who has elected to make an individual return—

(i)the demographic particulars;

(ii)if the person is aged 16 years or over, the education and employment particulars;

(iii)if the person is a usual resident at an address in Wales, the additional particulars for Wales.

(3) Every individual return made in accordance with article 5(5), (6) or (7) must state—

(a)the demographic particulars;

(b)if the person is aged 16 years or over, the education and employment particulars;

(c)if the person is a usual resident at an address in Wales, the additional particulars for Wales; and

(d)the additional particulars for individual returns.

(4) Every return made in accordance with article 5(8) must state the visitor particulars and the accommodation particulars.

(5) Every return made in accordance with article 5(9) must state the particulars specified in Schedule 3.