
In these Regulations—

  • the Act” means the Health and Social Care Act 2008;

  • “the 1983 Act” means the Mental Health Act 19832;

  • “the 2006 Act” means the National Health Service Act 20063;

  • “the 2001 Order” means the Health Professions Order 20014;

  • “adult placement carer” means an individual who, under the terms of a carer agreement, provides, or intends to provide, personal care for service users together with, where necessary, accommodation in the individual’s home;

  • “adult placement scheme” means a scheme carried on (whether or not for profit) by a local authority or other person for the purposes of—

    1. a

      recruiting and training adult placement carers;

    2. b

      making arrangements for the placing of service users with adult placement carers; and

    3. c

      supporting and monitoring placements;

  • “carer agreement” means an agreement entered into between a person carrying on an adult placement scheme and an individual for the provision, by that individual, of personal care to a service user together with, where necessary, accommodation in the individual’s home;

  • “chiropodist or podiatrist” means a person registered as such with the Health Professions Council pursuant to article 5 of the 2001 Order5;

  • “employment” means—

    1. a

      employment under a contract of service, an apprenticeship, a contract for services or otherwise than under a contract (including under a carer agreement); and

    2. b

      the grant of practising privileges,

    and “employed” and “employer” should be construed accordingly;

  • “employment agency” and “employment business” have the same meanings as in the Employment Agencies Act 19736;

  • “health care professional” means, except in paragraph 5 of Schedule 1, a person who is registered as a member of any profession to which section 60(2) of the Health Act 19997 applies;

  • “hospital”, except in paragraphs 1(3)(d) and 6 of Schedule 1, has the same meaning as in section 275 of the 2006 Act;

  • “institution within the further education sector” has the same meaning as in section 91 of the Further and Higher Education Act 19928;

  • “local anaesthesia” means any anaesthesia other than general, spinal or epidural anaesthesia, and also excludes the administration of a regional nerve block;

  • “medical practitioner” means a registered medical practitioner9;

  • “nominated individual” must be construed in accordance with regulation 5(2);

  • “nurse” means a registered nurse;

  • “nursing care” means any services provided by a nurse and involving—

    1. a

      the provision of care; or

    2. b

      the planning, supervision or delegation of the provision of care,

    other than any services which, having regard to their nature and the circumstances in which they are provided, do not need to be provided by a nurse;

  • “personal care” means—

    1. a

      physical assistance given to a person in connection with—

      1. i

        eating or drinking (including the administration of parenteral nutrition),

      2. ii

        toileting (including in relation to the process of menstruation),

      3. iii

        washing or bathing,

      4. iv


      5. v

        oral care, or

      6. vi

        the care of skin, hair and nails (with the exception of nail care provided by a chiropodist or podiatrist); or

    2. b

      the prompting, together with supervision, of a person, in relation to the performance of any of the activities listed in paragraph (a), where that person is unable to make a decision for themselves in relation to performing such an activity without such prompting and supervision;

  • “practising privileges” means the grant, by a person managing a hospital, to a medical practitioner of permission to practise as a medical practitioner in that hospital;

  • “premises” means—

    1. a

      any building or other structure, including any machinery or engineering systems which are physically affixed and integral to such building or structure; or

    2. b

      a vehicle;

  • “registered manager” means, in respect of a regulated activity, a person registered with the Commission under Chapter 2 of Part 1 of the Act as a manager in respect of that activity, and “manage” should be construed accordingly;

  • “registered person” means, in respect of a regulated activity, a person who is the service provider or registered manager in respect of that activity;

  • “school” has the same meaning as in the Education Act 199610;

  • “service provider” means, in respect of a regulated activity, a person registered with the Commission under Chapter 2 of Part 1 of the Act as a service provider in respect of that activity;

  • “service user” means a person who receives services provided in the carrying on of a regulated activity;

  • “treatment”, except in paragraph 6 of Schedule 1, includes—

    1. a

      a diagnostic or screening procedure carried out for medical purposes;

    2. b

      the ongoing assessment of a service user’s mental or physical state;

    3. c

      nursing, personal and palliative care; and

    4. d

      the giving of vaccinations and immunisations;

  • “vulnerable adult” has the same meaning as in section 59 of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 200611.