PART 5Compensation

Appeal to the county court24


A claimant that is dissatisfied with a decision of the relevant authority on a review under regulation 23 may appeal to the county court.


An appeal must be brought within a period of 21 days beginning with the date on which the claimant received written notice of the authority’s decision on review.


The court may give permission for an appeal to be brought after the end of that period, but only if it is satisfied—


where permission is sought before the end of that period, that there is a good reason for the claimant to be unable to bring the appeal in time, or


where permission is sought after the end of that period, that there is a good reason for the claimant’s failure to bring the appeal in time and for any delay in applying for permission.


An appeal under this regulation is to be by way of rehearing and the court may make such order confirming, quashing or varying the decision as it thinks fit.