PART 3Accreditation and registration

Changes in ownership

24.—(1) This regulation applies where ownership of all or part of an accredited RHI installation is transferred to another person.

(2) No periodic support payment may be made to a new owner until—

(a)that owner has notified the Authority of the change in ownership; and

(b)the steps set out in paragraph (3) have been completed.

(3) On receipt of a notification under paragraph (2), the Authority—

(a)may require the new owner to provide such of the information specified in Schedule 1 as the Authority considers necessary for the proper administration of the scheme;

(b)may review the accreditation of the accredited RHI installation to ensure that it continues to meet the eligibility criteria and should remain an accredited RHI installation.

(4) Where the Authority has received the information required under paragraph (3)(a) and is satisfied as to the matters specified in paragraph (3)(b) it must—

(a)update the central register referred to in regulation 22(6)(c);

(b)where the new owner is the participant, send the new owner a statement of eligibility setting out the information specified in regulation 22(6)(f); and

(c)where applicable, send the new owner (if the new owner is the participant) a notice in accordance with regulation 22(6)(e).

(5) If, within a period of 12 months from the transfer of ownership of the accredited RHI installation, no notification is made in accordance with paragraph (2) or paragraph (4) does not apply, the installation will on the expiry of that period cease to be accredited and accordingly no further periodic support payments will be paid in respect of the heat it generates.

(6) The period specified in paragraph (5) may be extended by the Authority where the Authority considers it is just and equitable to do so.

(7) Subject to paragraph (8), following the successful completion of the steps required under paragraphs (3) and (4), the new owner of an accredited RHI installation will receive periodic support payments calculated from the date of completion of those steps for the remainder of the tariff lifetime of that accredited RHI installation.

(8) Where a transfer of ownership of all or part of an accredited RHI installation takes place and results in that accredited RHI installation being owned by more than one person, the Authority may require that only one of those owners is the participant for the purposes of the scheme and require that owner to comply with sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) of regulation 22(3).