The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Complaints and Misconduct) Regulations 2011

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1

    1. 1.Citation and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation

    3. 3.General functions of the Commission

    4. 4.Guidance

    5. 5.Reports to the Secretary of State

    6. 6.General duties of police and crime panels, relevant office holders and chief officers of police

    7. 7.Delegation of powers and duties by police and crime panels

  3. PART 2

    1. 8.Duties to preserve evidence

    2. 9.Notification and recording of complaints

    3. 10.Failures to record or notify a complaint

    4. 11.Notification and recording of conduct matters arising in civil proceedings

    5. 12.Recording of conduct matters in other cases

    6. 13.Reference of serious complaints and conduct matters to the Commission

    7. 14.Duties of Commission on a reference

    8. 15.Disapplication of requirements of Regulations

    9. 16.Withdrawn and discontinued complaints

    10. 17.Conduct occurring outside England and Wales

  4. PART 3

    1. 18.Power to determine the form of an investigation

    2. 19.Investigations managed by the Commission

    3. 20.Investigations by the Commission itself

    4. 21.Combining and splitting investigations

    5. 22.Suspension and resumption of an investigation

    6. 23.Restrictions on proceedings pending the conclusion of an investigation

    7. 24.Power to discontinue an investigation

    8. 25.Reports on investigations

    9. 26.Action in response to an investigation report

  5. PART 4

    1. 27.Complaints to which this Part applies

    2. 28.Informal resolution

    3. 29.Resolution in accordance with Part 3 of the Local Government Act 2000

  6. PART 5

    1. 30.Address for receipt of complaints

    2. 31.Copies of complaints etc

    3. 32.Duty to keep complainant and any interested person informed

    4. 33.Exceptions to the duty to keep the complainant and any interested person informed

    5. 34.Keeping of records by police and crime panels

    6. 35.Provision of information to the Commission

    7. 36.Access to premises on behalf of the Commission

    8. 37.Manner and time limits of notifications

    9. 38.Register to be kept by the Commission

  7. Signature

  8. Explanatory Note