CHAPTER 4Armed forces marriage between civil partners

Armed forces declaration

28.  Before the parties to a civil partnership can change their civil partnership into a marriage in accordance with this Chapter, each of the parties must sign a declaration containing—

(a)the following details pertaining to each of the parties—




(iv)date of birth;



(vii)in respect of each of the parties to the civil partnership who fall within one of the descriptions in article 26(1) (countries or territories in which armed forces marriage between civil partners may take place)—

(aa)where that person is a member of Her Majesty’s forces serving in the country or territory in which it is proposed they change their civil partnership into a marriage, the name and location of the unit in which that person is serving;

(bb)where that person is a relevant civilian employed in that country or territory, the name and location of the post where that person is employed;

(cc)where the person falls within the description in article 26(1)(c) (but does not fall within either paragraph (a) or (b) of that article), the information referred to in (as the case may be) head (aa) or (bb) about each of that person’s parents who falls within the description in paragraph (a) or (b) of that article; and

(b)a statement to the effect that—

(i)the parties are in an existing civil partnership with each other; and

(ii)each of the parties knows of no reason why the civil partnership should not be converted into a marriage.