The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (Search, Seizure and Detention of Property: Code of Practice) (England and Wales) (No. 2) Order 2016


(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order brings into operation on 1st March 2016 a revised code of practice made under section 47S of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (“the Act”) in connection with the carrying out by appropriate officers in England and Wales of the functions conferred by virtue of sections 47C to 47H of the Act, the carrying out by senior officers of their functions under section 47G of the Act and the detention of property under or by virtue of sections 41A, 44A and 47J to 47P of the Act.

These provisions are in Part 2 of the Act, which is concerned with the confiscation of the proceeds of crime. That Part permits the making of a confiscation order under section 6 of the Act after a defendant is convicted. A confiscation order can be made ancillary to conviction and sentence to deprive a criminal of the benefit of their criminal conduct. Part 2 also contains powers to search, seize and detain property before conviction.

This Order revokes a previous Order made under section 47S of the Act.

An impact assessment has not been produced for this instrument as it has no direct impact on business, charities or voluntary bodies. The codes of practice provide guidance on the use of powers under POCA by bodies in the public sector, and incorporate existing best practice, but they do not require any greater use of those powers which could result in an additional impact.