PART 2Agriculture Water Target

Measurement of the agriculture target6


The load of each of the agriculture target substances entering the water environment through agricultural diffuse pollution which is to be compared with the baseline to determine whether the target in regulation 5 is met by 31st December 2038 is to be measured by determining the load of each of those substances so entering the water environment in the year from 1st January 2038 to 31st December 2038.


When determining the load of each of the agriculture target substances entering the water environment through agricultural diffuse pollution in the year from 1st January 2038 to 31st December 2038, the load must include the load from human activity undertaken on land which was agricultural land when the baseline was determined but which, for land management reasons with environmental, conservation or sustainability objectives, is not agricultural land in 2038.


In paragraph (2), “environmental, conservation or sustainability objectives” means objectives the main purpose of which are to contribute to environmental protection4 or improve the natural environment5.