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Your search for English language UK Local Acts from 1871 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1857 - 1990
Complete dataset 1991 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.


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Legislation by Year

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Leominster and Kington Railway Act 18711871 c. clxxxviUK Local Acts
Kent Coast Railway Act 18711871 c. clxxxvUK Local Acts
Liverpool Improvement and Waterworks Act 18711871 c. clxxxivUK Local Acts
Great Western Railway Additional Powers Act 18711871 c. clxxxiiiUK Local Acts
Ennis and West Clare Railway Act 18711871 c. clxxxiiUK Local Acts
Wandsworth Common Act 18711871 c. clxxxiUK Local Acts
Waterford, New Ross and Wexford Junction Railway Act 18711871 c. clxxxUK Local Acts
North Metropolitan Tramways Act 18711871 c. clxxixUK Local Acts
Killorglin Railway Act 18711871 c. clxxviiiUK Local Acts
Great Western, Bristol and Exeter and South Devon Railways (Cornwall and West Cornwall Railways) Act 18711871 c. clxxviiUK Local Acts
Burry Port and Gwendreath Valley Railway Amendment Act 18711871 c. clxxviUK Local Acts
Birmingham West Suburban Railway Act 18711871 c. clxxvUK Local Acts
Sligo and Ballaghaderreen Junction Railway Act 18711871 c. clxxivUK Local Acts
Usk and Towy Railway Act 18711871 c. clxxiiiUK Local Acts
Mining Company of Ireland Act 18711871 c. clxxiiUK Local Acts
British American Land Company's Act 18711871 c. clxxiUK Local Acts
Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (New Works and Additional Powers) Act 18711871 c. clxxUK Local Acts
Bradford and Thornton Railways Act 18711871 c. clxixUK Local Acts
Londonderry and Coleraine Railway (Sale) Act 18711871 c. clxviiiUK Local Acts
South Western Railway General Act 18711871 c. clxviiUK Local Acts

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