Part IIFurther extension of light rapid transit system
4Power to make works
Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Executive may, in the lines or situations shown on the deposited plans and according to the levels shown on the deposited sections, make and maintain the works hereinafter described with all necessary works and conveniences connected therewith—
In the borough of Rochdale—
Work No. 1 A tramway 363 yards (332 metres) in length (double line) commencing by a junction with Work No. 9 shown on the plans deposited in November 1988 in connection with the Bill for the M1Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (No. 2) Act 1990 at reference point SD 89942 12681 passing thence in a northerly direction along Maclure Road and terminating on the east side of Maclure Road at reference point SD 89860 12957;
Work No. 2 A tramroad 160 yards (146 metres) in length (double line) commencing at the termination of Work No. 1 passing thence along the east side of Drake Street and terminating on the south side of Milnrow Road at reference point SD 89938 13078;
Work No. 3 A tramway 580 yards (530 metres) in length (double line) commencing by a junction with Work No. 2 passing thence in a northerly direction along Drake Street, in an easterly direction along Smith Street and terminating at reference point SD 89856 13438;
In the city of Manchester—
Work No. 4 A tramroad 3,051 yards (2,790 metres) in length(double line) commencing by a junction with Work No. 11 shown on the plans deposited in November 1988 in connection with the Bill for the M2Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (No. 2) Act 1990 at reference point SJ 82342 93659 passing thence in a south-easterly direction along the line of the dismantled Manchester South District Railway of the railways board and terminating at reference point SJ 84808 91225;
Work No. 5 A tramroad 1,241 yards (1,135 metres) in length (single line) commencing by a junction with Work No. 4 passing thence in a south-easterly direction along the line of the dismantled Manchester South District Railway of the railways board and terminating at reference point SJ 85723 90576.