Greater Nottingham Light Rapid Transit Act 1994

19Stopping-up streets and footpaths without providing substitute

(1)After the stopping up of any part of any street under this Act, other than under section 18 (Temporary stoppage of highways) of this Act, without the provision of a substitute, all rights of way over or along the street, or portion thereof, authorised to be stopped up shall be extinguished and the undertakers may, without making any payment therefor, but subject to the provisions of the Act of 1845 incorporated with this Act with respect to mines lying under or near the railways, appropriate and use for the purposes of their undertaking the site of the street or portion thereof, so stopped up.

(2)Any person who suffers loss by the extinguishment of any private right under this section shall be entitled to be paid by the undertakers compensation to be determined in case of dispute by the tribunal.