Dunham Bridge (Amendment) Act 1994

1994 Chapter viii

An Act to provide for the amendment of the existing constitution of the Dunham Bridge Company; to authorise the eventual dissolution of the Company and the vesting of its undertaking in a company registered under the [1985 c. 6.] Companies Act 1985; to provide for the vesting of further land in the Company and for the vesting of exchange land; to provide for new works constructed on the land so vested in the Company and on other land acquired by them to form part of the undertaking; to prescribe the level of tolls recoverable from users of Dunham Bridge and to modify the [1954 c. 64.] Transport Charges &c. (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1954 in its application to the undertaking; to amend or repeal certain of the local statutory provisions applicable to the undertaking; and for related purposes.


  1. 1

    By an [1830 c. lxvi.] Act passed in the eleventh year of the reign of His late Majesty King George IV intituled “An Act for building a Bridge over the River Trent, from Dunham, in the County of Nottingham, to the opposite Shore, in the County of Lincoln” (hereinafter called “the Act of 1830”) the Dunham Bridge Company (hereinafter called “the Company”) were incorporated and authorised to construct the said bridge (hereinafter called “Dunham Bridge”) and to levy tolls for passage thereover:

  2. 2

    The share capital of the Company is now £14,250:

  3. 3

    Dunham Bridge continues to serve the needs of an increasing volume of traffic and since the constitution of the Company as embodied in the Act of 1830 hinders the effective management of the undertaking it is expedient that the existing constitution of the Company be amended by the incorporation of provisions of the [1845 c. 16.] Companies Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 and the [1863 c. 118.] Companies Clauses Act 1863 and other provisions, that provision be made, if the Company should so resolve, for the Company to be dissolved and their undertaking transferred to a company registered under the [1985 c. 6.] Companies Act 1985 and that provisions in the Act of 1830 should be repealed:

  4. 4

    For the convenience of traffic using Dunham Bridge it is expedient that the Company should provide on the east side of the bridge a site for improved toll collection facilities and that these facilities when constructed should form part of the undertaking:

  5. 5

    Part of the land so required is in unknown ownership and registered as common under the [1965 c. 64.] Commons Registration Act 1965 and it is expedient to provide for the vesting of that land free from existing rights and for the provision of exchange land:

  6. 6

    The cost of maintaining and eventually replacing Dunham Bridge continues to increase and it is therefore expedient that, notwithstanding the provisions of the [1861 c. 70.] Locomotive Act 1861 (which have the effect of imposing inappropriate limits on the levels of toll which can be imposed at Dunham Bridge), the tolls recoverable in respect of traffic using Dunham Bridge may be up to the amounts allowed by the Act of 1830:

  7. 7

    It is expedient that the other provisions of this Act be enacted:

  8. 8

    The objects of this Act cannot be attained without the authority of Parliament:

  9. 9

    A plan showing the lands which are to be vested under the authority of this Act and the exchange land, and a book of reference to that plan containing the names of the occupiers and (so far as ascertainable) the owners of those lands, has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments and in the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons and with the Chief Executive of Lincolnshire County Council, which plan is in this Act referred to as “the deposited plan”:

May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted, by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—