London Underground (Green Park) Act 1994

1994 Chapter ix

An Act to empower London Underground Limited, for safety purposes and the relief of passenger congestion, to construct works to improve the underground station at Green Park and to acquire lands; and for connected purposes.


  1. 1

    By the [1984 c. 32.] London Regional Transport Act 1984 the London Transport Executive which were established by the [1969 c. 35.] Transport (London) Act 1969 were reconstituted on 29th June 1984 under the name of London Regional Transport (in this Act referred to as “the Corporation”):

  2. 2

    It is the general duty of the Corporation under the said Act of 1984, in accordance with principles from time to time approved by the Secretary of State and in conjunction with the British Railways Board, to provide orsecure the provision of public passenger transport services for Greater London, and in carrying out that duty the Corporation is to have due regard to (a) the transport needs for the time being of Greater London and (b) efficiency, economy and safety of operation:

  3. 3

    London Underground Limited (in this Act referred to as “the Company”) were incorporated as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Corporation by virtue of the said Act of 1984 and the Companies Acts 1948 to 1981 (inter alia) to acquire and take over, as a going concern, that part of the undertaking of the Corporation responsible for operating the railway system of the Corporation (other than the Docklands Railway) and for the maintenance of such railway system and to carry on, develop and turn to account that part of that undertaking and all property and assets acquired from the Corporation in connection therewith:

  4. 4

    By the London Regional Transport Underground Railway Asset Transfer Scheme 1985 made under the provisions of section 4 (7) of the said Act of 1984 there were transferred from the Corporation to the Company all the property, rights and liabilities comprised in those parts of the Corporation’s undertaking connected with the Corporation’s underground railway services (except as provided in the said Scheme) together with any functions under any statutory provision relating to the Corporation’s underground railway:

  5. 5

    In order to improve safety and to relieve passenger congestion at the Company’s Green Park station it is expedient that the Company should be empowered to construct in the city of Westminster the works authorised by this Act and to purchase or use the land in that city referred to in this Act:

  6. 6

    It is expedient that the other powers in this Act contained should be conferred on the Company as therein provided, and that the other provisions in this Act contained should be enacted:

  7. 7

    A substituted plan and substituted sections showing the lines or situations and levels of the works to be constructed under this Act, and a substituted plan of the land authorised to be purchased or used by this Act, and a substituted book of reference to such substituted plan containing the names of the owners and lessees or reputed owners and lessees and of the occupiers of the said land were duly deposited in the office of the Clerk of the Parliaments and in the Private Bill Office of the House of Commons and with the proper officer of the Westminster City Council which plan, sections and book of reference are respectively referred to in this Act as the substituted plan, the substituted sections and the substituted book of reference:

  8. 8

    The purposes of this Act could not have been effected without the authority of Parliament when the Bill for this Act was deposited:

May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted, by the Queen’s most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—