University of London Act 2018

2018 Chapter iii

An Act to make new provision for the making of statutes for the University of London; and for related purposes.


  1. 1

    The University of London (“the University”) was first incorporated by Royal Charter granted on 28 November 1836 and is now incorporated by Royal Charter granted on 6 January 1863:

  2. 2

    The provisions relating to the making of statutes for the University are set out in the University of London Act 1994 (“the 1994 Act”) and the statutes are now made by the Board of Trustees of the University:

  3. 3

    The 1994 Act does not contemplate that the University educational, academic or research institutions may obtain university status in their own right:

  4. 4

    The provisions of the 1994 Act would benefit from modernising in other respects:

  5. 5

    It is therefore expedient that provision be made to modernise the process for making statutes for the University:

  6. 6

    This Act does not amend the charter incorporating the University or any instrument of government of any constituent member of the University:

  7. 7

    The purposes of this Act cannot be effected without the authority of Parliament:

  8. 8

    The consent of the Charity Commission to the University defraying expenditure incurred in the preparation and promotion of the Bill for this Act, as required by section 74 of the Charities Act 2011, has been obtained:

May it therefore please Your Majesty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted, by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:


This Act may be cited as the University of London Act 2018.


In this Act—

  • “the 1994 Act” means the University of London Act 1994;

  • “the Board” means the Board of Trustees of the University, or such other body as the statutes may from time to time designate as the governing body of the University;

  • “the charter” means the charter incorporating the University granted by Her late Majesty Queen Victoria on 6 January 1863;

  • “the Collegiate Council” means the Collegiate Council of the University, or such other body as the statutes may from time to time designate as the body responsible for determining, and advising the Board of, the collective view of the Member Institutions on all matters concerning the University;

  • “the Council” means the body formerly designated under the statutes as the governing and executive body of the University;

  • “the Court” means the body formerly known as the Court of the University;

  • “Member Institution” means an educational, academic or research institution which is a constituent member of the University and has for the time being—

    1. a

      the status of a college under the statutes; or

    2. b

      the status of a university;

  • “the Senate” means the body formerly designated as the Senate under the statutes;

  • “the statutes” means the statutes of the University having effect from time to time; and

  • “the University” means the University of London.

3Power to make statutes


The Board may alter, revoke or add to the statutes by passing a resolution in accordance with subsection (5).


The Collegiate Council may submit proposals to the Board for altering, revoking or adding to the statutes under subsection (1), which the Board must consider.


If the Board is minded to exercise the power in subsection (1), it must first consult—


the Collegiate Council unless the Collegiate Council has submitted proposals under subsection (2) which the Board intends materially to implement;


a trade union officially recognised by the University if any proposed alteration, revocation or addition relates to the employment of staff of the University; and


such other persons as it considers appropriate.


The Board must give the Collegiate Council reasons if it is not minded to give effect to, or is minded materially to alter, any proposals submitted by the Collegiate Council under subsection (2).


A resolution under subsection (1) must be passed at a meeting of the Board—


at which not less than two-thirds of its members are present; and


by not less than two-thirds of those present and voting.

4Approval of statutes


No alteration, revocation or addition to a statute under section 3 (power to make statutes) has effect until it has been approved by the Privy Council.


Her Majesty may, by Order in Council, repeal subsection (1).

5Construction of instruments

Any scheme, will, deed, contract, conveyance, transfer, lease, licence or other instrument (whether made or executed before or after the passing of this Act) has effect (except where the context otherwise requires) as if—


for any reference (however worded) describing or otherwise referring to a body as a School of the University there is substituted a reference describing or otherwise referring to that body as a Member Institution; and


for any reference (however worded) to the Senate, the Court or the Council there is substituted a reference to the Board.

6Repeal of the 1994 Act

The 1994 Act is repealed.


Subject to any alteration, revocation or addition made in accordance with the provisions of this Act, the statutes in force immediately before the passing of this Act continue to have effect.