XXXVIII Water Bailiffs may apprehend Offenders. C1

It shall be lawful for every Superintendent or Water Bailiff or other Person whatsoever, without any Warrant or Authority other than this Act,brevi manuto seize and detain any Person who shall be found committing any Offence against the Provisions of this Act F1or of the M1Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Protection) (Scotland) Act 1951 , and to convey such Offender or cause him to be conveyed by any Constable or other Peace Officer, in case the Offence is committed inEngland,before any Justice having Jurisdiction in the Place where the Offence is committed or where the Offender resides or is found, who shall forthwith proceed against such Offender according to Law and according to the Provisions in this Act contained, and in case the Offence is committed inScotlandsuch Offender shall be conveyed by the Person apprehending him before the Sheriff or some Justice having Jurisdiction in the Place where the Offence is committed or where the Offender resides or is found, and such Sheriff or Justice shall forthwith examine and thereupon discharge or commit such Offender until Caution de Judicio sisti be found, as the Case may require.