11 General Saving of Rights under recited Act.

Notwithstanding such Repeal, and except only as is by this Act otherwise expressly provided, everything before the Commencement of this Act done, suffered, and confirmed respectively under or by the recited Act shall be as valid as if this Act were not passed, and such Repeal and this Act respectively shall accordingly be subject and without Prejudice to everything so done, suffered, and confirmed respectively, and to all Rights, Liabilities, Claims, and Demands, both present and future, which, if such Repeal had not happened and this Act were not passed, would be incident to or consequent on any and every thing so done, suffered, and confirmed respectively; and all such Rights, Liabilities, Claims, and Demands shall be enforceable and recoverable by, for, or against the Two Companies respectively in the same Manner and to the same Extent as they would have been enforceable and recoverable by, for, or against them respectively in case this Act had not passed: Provided always, that the Generality of the preceding Provision shall not be affected by the Particularity of any of the other Provisions of this Act.