48 Registry Board.U.K.

For the First Revision under this Act the Registry Board shall consist of the Mayor of the Borough of Birmingham, the Proof Master of the Guardians, and an Assessor appointed by them, with Power for such Mayor to appoint any Justice for the Borough of Birmingham to act as his Deputy; and after the First Revision under this Act the Registry Board shall consist of a Guardian to be from Time to Time appointed by the Guardians, and a Person to be from Time to Time appointed by the Birmingham Gun Trade, as by this Act provided, and an Assessor to be appointed by such Guardian and Person, and the Decision of the Members of such Board, or of any Two of them, shall be final; and the Appointment of Members of the Registry Board by the Guardians and the Birmingham Gun Trade respectively shall be made at any Annual Meeting of the Guardians, or any Yearly Meeting of the Birmingham Gun Trade, without Notice, or with Notice at any Special Meeting of the Guardians and Birmingham Gun Trade respectively, and the Appointment shall only be for the then next Revision.