Application of Moneys

38 Application of fines and other moneys received by verderers.

All fines and other moneys recovered in the court of the verderers, or received by the verderers under this Act, shall be carried by them to the account of a general fund, and shall be applied in payment of the salaries of the officers and servants employed by them, and in defraying their other expenses under this Act.

  • An account of the moneys paid into such fund and of the application thereof shall be made out annually, and shall be audited by a person to be annually appointed by F1the County Council of Hampshire, and there shall be paid to such auditor in respect of his services by the verderers such sum as may be fixed by the said council.

  • F2On the completion of the audit of the annual accounts of the verderers they shall publish in some newspaper circulating in F1the county of Hampshire a notice stating that the audit has been completed, and specifying a place where, in accordance with the next following paragraph, the commoners may inspect the accounts and take copies thereof or extracts therefrom.

  • Any commoner may on payment of such sum, not exceeding F325p, as may be prescribed by the verderers, inspect at any reasonable hour the accounts of the verderers, and take copies of or extracts from such accounts on payment of a further sum not exceeding F425p for every hour during which he may be occupied in taking such copies or extracts.