  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Short title.

  3. 2.Dissolution of legislative union between Churches of England and Ireland.

  4. Constitution and Powers of Commissioners

    1. 3.Appointment of Commissioners.

    2. 4.Quorum Commissioners.

    3. 5.Appointment of officers.

    4. 6.Salaries and expenses.

    5. 7.Powers of Commissioners.

    6. 8.Forms of application, and general rules.

    7. 9.Duration of office, and restriction on sitting in Parliament.

  5. Transfer of Property and Dissolution of Ecclesiastical Corporations

    1. 10.Prohibition of future appointments.

    2. 11.Property of Ecclesiastical Commissioners vested in Commissioners under this Act.

    3. 12.Church property vested in Commissioners under this Act.

    4. 13.Dissolution of ecclesiastical corporations, and cessation of right of bishops to sit in House of Lords.

  6. Compensation to Persons deprived of Income

    1. 14.Compensation to ecclesiastical persons other than curates.

    2. 15.Compensation to curates.

    3. 16.Compensation to diocesan and district schoolmasters, clerks, sextons, &c.

    4. 17.Compensation to persons not included in preceding section.

    5. 18.Compensation to lay patrons.

  7. Powers of Church after passing of Act

    1. 19.Repeal of laws prohibiting holding of synods, &c.

    2. 20.Existing law to subsist by contract.

    3. 21.Abolition of ecclesiastical courts and ecclesiastical law.

    4. 22.Incorporation of Church body.

  8. Dealings between Commissioners and representative Church body

    1. 23.Redemption of annuities and life interest of ecclesiastical persons.

    2. 24.Building charge to be paid on commutation of annuity.

    3. 25.Enactments with respect to churches.

    4. 26.Enactments with respect to burial grounds.

    5. 27.Enactments with respect to ecclesiastical residences.

    6. 28.Power to convey additional land to Church body.

    7. 29.Enactments with respect to private endowments.

    8. 30.Moveable chattels belonging to see or church.

  9. Management of Property by Commissioners

    1. 31.Limitation of right to purchase fee simple in consideration of perpetual rent.

    2. 32.Sale of tithe rentcharge to owners of land.

    3. 33.Commissioners may purchase surrender or assignment of lease.

    4. 34.Power to Commissioners to sell property vested in them by this Act.

    5. 35.Orders of Commissioners operating as conveyance, &c. to be liable to same stamp duty.

    6. 36.Payment of money into bank.

    7. 37.Accounts of capital and revenues.

  10. Regium Donum and College of Maynooth

    1. 38.Compensation to nonconforming ministers.

    2. 39.Commutation of annuities of nonconformist ministers, &c.

    3. 40.Repeal of Maynooth Acts.

    4. 41.Remission of debt to trustees of Maynooth.

  11. Appeal

    1. 42.Persons aggrieved may appeal.

  12. Compensation to certain Officers

    1. 43.Possession to be given up of 24, Upper Merrion Street.

    2. 44.Compensation to Ecclesiastical Commissioners and their officers.

    3. 45.Compensation to vicars general and other officers by annuities equal to their average income for the three years ending 1st January 1869.

    4. 46.As to benefices of Kilcullen, Kildare, Saint Mary, Saint Thomas, and Saint George, Dublin.

  13. Delivery up of Documents

    1. 47.Delivery up of books by registrars.

  14. Dealings with Property

    1. 48.Commissioners not to expend monies in building.

    2. 49.Commissioners not to expend monies in repairs.

    3. 50.Payment of building charge.

    4. 51.Regulations as to payment of commutation and annuity.

    5. 52.Power of Commissioners to accept mortgages as security for a portion of purchase money.

    6. 53.Power to pay by instalments.

    7. 54.Sales of lands, &c. may be made in Landed Estates Court.

    8. 55.Saving claim of arrears of rent, &c.

    9. 56.Provision for other persons under disability.

    10. 57.Provision as to incapacitated owners.

    11. 58.Power to officers of Commissioners to enter upon land.

  15. Tower of the Commissioners to raise Money

    1. 59.Commissioners to raise money for the purposes of the Act.

    2. 60.Power to Treasury to advance money to Commissioners.

    3. 61.Power for Treasury to guarantee advance to Commissioners.

    4. 62.Form of security and guarantee.

    5. 63.Guarantee to be based on Consolidated Fund.

    6. 64.Repayment to Consolidated Fund.

  16. Arbitration

    1. 65.Rules as to arbitration.

  17. Temporary Provisions

    1. 66.Regulation as to vacancies.

    2. 67.As to exclusion of house, &c. in cases of commutation.

  18. Surplus

    1. 68.Ultimate trust of surplus.

  19. Saving Clauses

    1. 69.Provision as to Acts relating to United Church of England and Ireland.

    2. 70.Saving rights as to proprietary-chapels and chapels of ease.

    3. 71.Saving of Act of 39 & 40 G.3 c.67, &c.

  20. Construction of Act

    1. 72.Interpretation of terms.