
80Committee may, where necessary for maintenance of lunatic, or expedient, make leases of mines unopened.

Where a lunatic is seised or possessed of or entitled to land in fee or in tail, and it appears to the Lord Chancellor intrusted as aforesaid either to be necessary for the maintenance of the lunatic and the members of his immediate family, for whom provision is directed to be made, or to be expedient in a due course of management, that any mine or quarry, being in, upon, or under the land, should be opened and worked, the committee of the estate may, in the name and on behalf of the lunatic, under order of the Lord Chancellor intrusted as aforesaid, make such lease of the mines quarries, minerals, stones, and substances in, upon, or under the land, although not already opened or worked, and either with or without any land convenient to be held therewith, and with or without the surface, to such person, for such term or terms of years, and subject to such rents, royalties, reservations, covenants, and agreements, and in such manner and form, as the Lord Chancellor intrusted as aforesaid shall order.