PART IHousing of the Working Classes


30Power to authorise superior landlord to enter and execute works


Where it is proved to the satisfaction of the court, on an application in accordance with rules of court of any person entitled to any interest in any land used in whole or in part as a site for houses for the working classes, that the premises on the land are or are likely to become dangerous or injurious to health or unfit for human habitation, and that the interests of the applicant are thereby prejudiced, or that the applicant should be entrusted with the carrying out of a scheme of reconstruction or improvement approved by the local authority of the district in which the land is situate, the court may make an order empowering the applicant forthwith to enter on the land and within the time fixed by the order to execute such works as may be necessary, and may order that any lease or agreement for a lease held from the applicant and any derivative underlease shall be determined, subject to such conditions and to the payment of such compensation as the court may think just.


The court shall include in its order provisions to secure that the proposed works are carried out and may authorise the local authority in whose area the land is situated or which has approved a scheme of reconstruction or improvement under this section to exercise such supervision or take such action as may be necessary for the purpose.


For the purposes of this section, " court" means the High Court of Justice, and the Court of Chancery of the county palatine of Lancaster or Durham or the county court, where those courts respectively have jurisdiction.