  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Transfer of trunk roads to Minister of Transport.

  3. 2.Exclusion of county of London and of county boroughs.

  4. 3.General provisions as to functions with respect to trunk roads.

  5. 4.Modification of 25 & 26 Geo.5 c.47.

  6. 5.Delegation of road functions to local authorities.

  7. 6.Miscellaneous provisions as to functions in connection with trunk roads.

  8. 7.Transfer of property and liabilities.

  9. 8.Exemption from stamp duty.

  10. 9.Expenses.

  11. 10.Power to hold inquiries and obtain information.

  12. 11.Transitional provisions.

  13. 12.Application to Scotland.

  14. 13.Interpretation.

  15. 14.Short title, citation and extent.



      Roads which become Trunk Roads by virtue of this Act


      Modification, in relation to Trunk Roads, of certain enactments relating to functions of Highway Authorities


      1. PART I Functions of Local Authorities exercisable in relation to trunk roads by the minister exclusively and modifications of enactments relating thereto

      2. PART II Functions of Local Authorities exercisable in relation to trunk roads by the minister as well as by other authorities and modification of Enactments relating thereto

      3. PART III Functions of Local Authorities exercisable in relation to trunk roads by the minister and by other Authorities with the consent of the Minister


      Modifications of the Restriction of Ribbon Development Act, 1935

      1. 1.References to a highway authority in sections one to twelve...

      2. 2.Subsection (4) of section one of the said Act (which...

      3. 3.The notices required to be advertised and sent in accordance...

      4. 4.Any conditions attached to a consent in pursuance of the...

      5. 5.The power under section four of the said Act of...

      6. 6.Sections thirteen to fifteen of the said Act shall, in...

      7. 7.The said sections thirteen to fifteen of the said Act...

      8. 8.Section twenty-four of the said Act shall have effect as...


      Transitional Provisions

      1. 1.All orders and regulations made, all directions, consents and notices...

      2. 2.Any order, byelaw, regulation or other instrument made by a...

      3. 3.Where, in relation to a road which becomes a trunk...

      4. 4.All contracts, deeds, bonds, or agreements entered into or made...

      5. 5.Where any such contract as aforesaid provides for the execution...

      6. 6.Where, before the day on which a road becomes a...

      7. 7.In calculating— (a) the amount of any sum to be...

      8. 8.If any dispute arises under the last three foregoing paragraphs...

      9. 9.All proceedings, legal or other, begun before the day upon...

      10. 10.The provisions of this schedule, except paragraph 2 thereof, shall...