5Exercise by Minister of certain powers to purchase land in connection with trunk roads


In relation to a trunk road, the power of a highway authority under section thirteen of the Act of 1935 to acquire land for purposes other than the construction or improvement of the road (that is to say the power to acquire land within two hundred and twenty yards from the middle of the road for the purpose of preventing the erection of buildings detrimental to the view from the road, and the power to acquire land by agreement for the purpose of preserving the amenities of the locality in which the road is situated) shall be exercisable by the Minister as well as by the authority by whom functions are exercisable under section one and section two of the said Act.


Section five of the principal Act (which enables the Minister to delegate to certain councils functions relating to trunk roads and subsection (z) of section six of that Act (which enables the Minister to make agreements with such councils for the carrying out of works of improvement of or other dealings with trunk roads) shall apply in relation to any land purchased under this section, notwithstanding that the land does not form part of 5 trunk road, as they apply in relation to a trunk road.