SCHEDULE 2 Registered Pool Promoters

Duties and powers of the accountant


The accountant and any servant of his authorised in that behalf by him in writing may at all reasonable times enter any premises on which a registered pool promoter is carrying on his business and enquire into the manner in which that business is being carried on, and may require the registered pool promoter or any servant of his to give to the accountant or his servant authorised as aforesaid all such information, and to produce all such accounts, books and other documents and carry out such checks or additional checks of coupons or other entry forms, as the accountant or his servant authorised as aforesaid may think necessary for the purpose of determining whether there is cause to believe that any of the provisions of this Schedule are being contravened; and it shall be the duty of the promoter to preserve, or, to such extent as he may prefer to do so, to preserve photographic copies of, all accounts, books or other documents (including coupons or other entry forms) which relate wholly or partly to any of his competitions for at least two months from the day on which the events take place on which that competition depends.