

SCHEDULE 2Constitution and General Functions of Greater London Council

Expenses and receipts

19(1)All receipts of the Council, whether for general or special London purposes, shall be carried to a general fund, and all liabilities falling to be discharged by the Council, whether for general or special London purposes, shall be discharged out of that fund ; and in the application of any other Act to the Council, any reference in that Act to the general rate fund or to the county fund shall be construed in relation to the Council as a reference to their general fund.

(2)In this Schedule and, except where the context otherwise requires, and subject to section 36 (2) of this Act, in any other enactment relating to the expenses of the Council—

(a)the expression “general London purposes ” means all purposes for expenditure on which the whole of Greater London is chargeable;

(b)the expression “special London purpose ” means any purpose for expenditure on which part only of Greater London is chargeable.