Part VIIIE+W Suspension of Licences by reason of War Circumstances

138 Transfer of licence in suspense to owner of licensed premises.E+W

Licensing justices may grant a transfer of a justices’ licence to the owner of the licensed premises or to a person applying on his behalf in the following cases, as well as in those mentioned in section 8 of this Act, that is to say,—

(a)where the holder of the licence has wilfully omitted or neglected to take steps requisite for preventing its extinguishment under subsection (1) or subsection (2) of section 134 of this Act;

(b)where an order has been made under section 135 of this Act in relation to the licence, or the renewal of the licence has been refused in such circumstances as are mentioned in section 137 of this Act on grounds relating to the conduct of the holder of the licence or his fitness to hold it;

(c)where the licence has been forfeited, or the holder thereof disqualified, while the licence was in suspense, in circumstances in which a protection order could have been granted under section 10(3) of this Act if the business had not been discontinued;

(d)where the holder of the licence has, or his representatives have, given up occupation of the licensed premises whilst the licence was in suspense.