Part XIII Miscellaneous
183 Name of holder of licence, etc., to be affixed to licensed premises.
Subject to section 55(5) of this Act, the holder of a justices’ licence, other than a residential licence, shall keep painted on or affixed to the licensed premises in a conspicuous place, and in such form and manner as the licensing justices may direct, his name, and after the name the word “licensed" followed by words sufficient to express the business for which the licence is granted, and in particular—
words expressing whether the licence is an on-licence or an off-licence;
if the licence is a six-day licence or an early-closing licence, words indicating that the licence is such.
In the case of a restaurant licence or a residential and restaurant licence the nature of the business for which the licence is granted is sufficiently indicated for the purposes of subsection (1) of this section, so far as relates to the restrictions imposed by the conditions as to the sale and supply of intoxicating liquor, if the words express that the holder of the licence is licensed to sell for consumption on the premises with meals.
A person shall not have on his premises words or letters importing that he is authorised, as the holder of a licence, to sell any intoxicating liquor that he is not authorised to sell.