PART IThe General Licensing System

Control of licensing justices over structure of licensed premises

20Consent required for certain alterations to on-licensed premises


No alteration shall be made to premises for which a justices' on-licence is in force if the alteration—


gives increased facilities for drinking in a public or common part of the premises; or


conceals from observation a public or common part of the premises used for drinking ; or


affects the communication between the public part of the premises where intoxicating liquor is sold and the remainder of the premises or any street or other public way;

unless the licensing justices have consented to the alteration or the alteration is required by order of some lawful authority.


Before considering an application for their consent under this section, the licensing justices may require plans of the proposed alteration to be deposited with their clerk at such time as they may determine.


If subsection (1) of this section is contravened, a magistrates' court may by order on complaint declare the licence to be forfeited or direct that within a time fixed by the order the premises shall be restored to their original condition.


The clerk of the court that makes an order under subsection (3) of this section shall, if he is not the clerk to the licensing justices, serve notice of the order on the clerk to the licensing justices; and the clerk to the licensing justices shall serve notice of the order on the registered owner of the premises.


A person aggrieved by an order under subsection (3) of this section may appeal to a court of quarter sessions.


In this section—


" public part " means a part open to customers who are not residents or guests of residents; and


" common part" means a part open generally to all residents or to a particular class of them.