Part II Sale and Supply of Intoxicating Liquor in ClubPremises

Registered clubs

52 Provisions as to different premises of same club.


A single registration certificate may relate to any number of premises of the same club, and on an application duly made a registration certificate may, at the time of renewal or otherwise, be varied as regards the premises to which it relates.


Where a variation of a registration certificate would result in the club being registered in respect of different, additional or enlarged premises, and is to be made otherwise than at the time of renewal, the provisions of this Act shall apply as they apply in the case of a renewal, except that the variation shall not extend the duration of the certificate.


Where a club seeks or holds a registration certificate for two or more premises not contiguous to one another, the court on an objection to the issue or renewal of the certificate or complaint for its cancellation may refuse to issue or renew it or may cancel it for some only of the premises, if the ground of objection or complaint relates only to those premises or is only made out for those premises, and the court is opinion that it is in the circumstances reasonable for the club to be or remain registered in respect of the other premises.


No order shall be made under section 47 of this Act in relation to any premises unless the ground of objection or complaint relates to and is made out for those premises or contiguous premises.