Section 20.

SCHEDULE 5Procedure for making Control of Movement Orders

1An application for a control of movement order must be accompanied by not less than six copies of a draft of the proposed order and not less than six copies of any map or maps which, if the order is made in the form of the draft, will be required to be annexed to it.

2Where an application for a control of movement order is duly made to the Minister, he shall take it into consideration and shall give notice to the applicant of his decision either that he refuses the application or that it is (without prejudice, however, to subsequent refusal thereof) to be allowed to proceed.

3Where an applicant for a control of movement order is given notice under paragraph 2 above that his application is to be allowed to proceed, compliance with the requirement of sub-paragraph (a) below and with such of the requirements of sub-paragraphs (b) and (c) below as are applicable in the circumstances shall be a condition precedent to the taking by the Minister of further steps in the matter of the application, that is to say:—

(a)there must be published by the applicant by Gazette and local advertisement and (if so required by the Minister) by such other means as the Minister may specify, a notice stating that application has been made to him for the making of the order, containing a concise summary of the order and (if provision is proposed to be included therein authorising the compulsory acquisition of land) a general description of the land whose compulsory acquisition is proposed to be authorised, naming a place where a copy of the draft of the proposed order and (if the application for the order was accompanied by copies of a map or maps) a copy of that map or, as the case may be, copies of those maps may be seen at all reasonable hours and stating that any person who desires to make to the Minister objection to the application should do so in writing (stating the grounds of his objection) before the expiration of the period of forty-two days from the date (specifying it) of the first local advertisement;

(b)if provision is proposed to be included in the order authorising the compulsory acquisition of land, there must, in the case of each parcel of land whose compulsory acquisition is proposed to be authorised, be served by the applicant on every owner, lessee and occupier (except a tenant for a month or any period less than a month) of that parcel a notice stating that application has been made to the Minister for the making of the order with the inclusion therein of provision authorising the compulsory acquisition of that parcel (describing it), naming a place where a copy of the draft of the proposed order and a copy (on the like scale) of the map that accompanied the application for the order on which the boundaries of that parcel are delineated may be seen at all reasonable hours and stating that, if the person served desires to make to the Minister objection to the application so far as regards the inclusion in the order of provision authorising the compulsory acquisition of that parcel, he should do so in writing (stating the grounds of his objection) before the expiration of the period of forty-two days from the date on which the notice is served on him;

(c)if the Minister so requires, there must, on any person specified by him, be served by the applicant a copy of the draft order together (if the application for the order was accompanied by a copy of a map or copies of maps) with a copy of that map or copies of those maps and, in any event, with a notice stating that application has been made to the Minister for the making of the order and that, if he desires to make to the Minister objection to the application, he should do so in writing (stating the grounds of his objection) before the expiration of the period of forty-two days from the date on which the notice is served on him.

4(1)Where the proper notices concerning an application for the making of a control of movement order have been published under paragraph 3 above, and all persons required thereunder to be served in the case of the application with notices and other documents have been properly served therewith, and the time for the due making to the Minister of objection to the application has elapsed, the following provisions of this paragraph shall have effect.

(2)If no objections to the application were duly made to the Minister or if all objections to the application that were duly made to him have been withdrawn, the Minister, unless he decides not to make the order, may make the order applied for in the form of the draft submitted to him or (subject to the restrictions imposed by sub-paragraph (5) of this paragraph and by paragraph 6 below) in that form but subject to such modifications as he minks fit.

(3)If objections to the application were duly made to the Minister and have not been withdrawn, the Minister, unless he decides that the application shall not proceed further.—

(a)in the case of an objection so far as regards the inclusion in the draft order of a provision authorising the compulsory acquisition of a parcel of land, shall either cause an inquiry to be held with respect to the objection or afford to the objector an opportunity of appearing before and being heard by a person appointed by the Minister for the purpose ;

(b)in the case of any other objection, shall cause an inquiry to be held with respect thereto, unless he is of opinion that the application can properly be proceeded with without the holding of an inquiry with respect to the objection ;

and, after effect has been given to the foregoing provisions of this sub-paragraph, shall consider the objections so made and not withdrawn and the reports of any person who held an inquiry and any person appointed for the purpose of hearing an objector and, having done so, unless he decides not to make the order, may make the order applied for in the form of the draft submitted to him or (subject to the restrictions imposed by sub-paragraph (5) of this paragraph and by paragraph 6 below) in that form but subject to such modifications as he thinks fit.

(4)Where an objector to the application avails himself of an opportunity of- being heard afforded to him in pursuance of sub-paragraph (3)(a) above, the Minister shall afford to the applicant, and to any other persons to whom it appears to the Minister expedient to afford it, an opportunity of being heard on the same occasion.

(5)Where the Minister proposes to make the order with modifications which appear to him substantially to affect the character of the order as applied for, he shall take such steps as appear to him to be sufficient and reasonably practicable for informing the applicant and other persons likely to be concerned, and shall not make the order until such period for consideration of, and comment upon, the proposed modifications by the applicant and those other persons as he thinks reasonable has elapsed ; nor shall he, unless all persons interested consent, so make the order as to authorise the compulsory acquisition of any land that was not described in the draft submitted to him as being land subject to be acquired compulsorily.

(6)The Minister may disregard for the purposes of this paragraph an objection to the application unless it states the grounds on which it is made, and may disregard for those purposes such an objection so far as regards the inclusion in the draft order of a provision authorising the compulsory acquisition of land if he is satisfied that the objection relates exclusively to matters which can be dealt with by the tribunal by whom compensation in respect of the acquisition will fall to be assessed in default of agreement.

5So soon as may be after a control of movement order has been made, the applicant for it shall publish by Gazette and local advertisement a notice stating that the order has been made and naming a place where a copy thereof and of any map or maps annexed thereto may be inspected at all reasonable hours and shall serve a copy of the order (and, if a map or maps is or are annexed to it, a copy of that map or, as the case may be, copies of those maps) on each person on whom a copy of the draft of the proposed order was served in compliance with a requirement imposed by virtue of paragraph 3(c) above.

6(1)Where application is made to the Minister for a control of movement order which includes provision authorising the compulsory acquisition of land which includes land which has been acquired by statutory undertakers for the purposes of their undertaking, then if on a representation made to the appropriate Minister before the expiration of the period of forty-two days from the date of the first local advertisement of notice that the application has been so made that Minister is satisfied—

(a)that any of the said land is used for the purposes of the carrying on of their undertaking, or

(b)that an interest in any of the said land is held for those purposes,

the order shall not be so made as to authorise the acquisition of any land as to which that Minister is satisfied as aforesaid except land as to which he is satisfied that its nature and situation are such—

(i)that, without serious detriment to the carrying on of the undertaking, it can be acquired and not replaced, or

(ii)that, if acquired, it can, without such detriment as aforesaid, be replaced by other land belonging to, or available for acquisition by, the undertakers,

and certifies accordingly.

(2)In this paragraph " statutory undertakers " and " the appropriate Minister " have the same meanings respectively as in paragraph 6 of Schedule 3 to this Act.