SCHEDULE 4 Transitory Provisions for Amalgamation Schemes

Staff and assets



Where any officers or servants, property, rights or liabilities have been transferred by virtue of an amalgamation scheme from one authority to another, or will be so transferred on the date of transfer, those authorities may by agreement provide for the making of such adjustments in relation to their respective property, rights and liabilities as appear to them to be desirable having regard to the transfer, and any such agreement may, in particular, provide for the making of payments by either party thereto.


If any question arises—


whether any persons, property, rights or liabilities have been or will on the date of transfer be transferred from one authority to another by virtue of an amalgamation scheme; or


whether any such adjustment as is mentioned in the foregoing sub-paragraph ought to be made between any authorities,

that question shall, in default of agreement between the authorities concerned, be referred to a single arbitrator agreed upon between the parties, or in default of agreement appointed by the Secretary of State, and the award of the arbitrator with respect to any such question as is mentioned in paragraph (b) of this sub-paragraph may provide for any matter for which provision might have been made by an agreement under the foregoing sub-paragraph.