PART IICompulsory Improvement of Dwellings to Provide Standard Amenities

Tenements in improvement areas in Scotland

22Immediate improvement notices in respect of dwellings in tenements in improvement areas in Scotland

(1)At any time within two years (or such other period as may be prescribed) after the passing by a local authority in Scotland of a resolution declaring an area in their district to be an improvement area such authority may, if they are satisfied that any of the dwellings comprised in a tenement in that area—

(a)is without one or more of the standard amenities but is capable of improvement at reasonable expense to the full standard or, if not, is capable of improvement at reasonable expense to the reduced standard, and

(b)after being so improved will be in such condition as to be fit for human habitation, and will be likely, subject to normal maintenance, to remain in that condition and available for use as a dwelling for a period of not less than fifteen years,

serve a notice (in this Part of this Act referred to as " an immediate improvement notice") on the person having control of the dwelling.

(2)In addition to serving the immediate improvement notice on the person having control of the dwelling, the local authority shall at the same time serve a copy of the notice on every other person who to the knowledge of the authority is an owner of the dwelling and on the tenant (if any) of the dwelling.

(3)The immediate improvement notice shall specify the works which in the opinion of the local authority are required to improve the dwelling to the full standard or, as the case may be, to the reduced standard and the period, being twelve months (or such other period as may be prescribed) from the date when the immediate improvement notice becomes operative or such longer period as the local authority by permission given in writing may from time to time allow, within which the works are to be carried out.

(4)If at any time after the service of an immediate improvement notice under this section the local authority consider that the dwelling no longer falls within paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section, they shall withdraw the said notice.

The withdrawal shall be effected by serving notice of the withdrawal on the person having control of the dwelling, and the local authority shall at the same time serve a copy of the notice on every other person who to the knowledge of the authority is an owner of the dwelling and on the tenant (if any) of the dwelling.

(5)As soon as practicable after service of an immediate improvement notice or a withdrawal notice under this section the local authority shall cause to be recorded in the General Register of Sasines a certificate in the prescribed form stating that such notice has been served as aforesaid.