SCHEDULE 1Reports, Accounts etc. of Research Councils


Each of the Research Councils shall furnish the Secretary of State with such returns, accounts and other information with respect to its property and activities as he may from time to time require, and shall prepare programmes and estimates of expenditure in such form and at such times as he may require.



Each of the Research Councils shall as soon as possible after the end of each financial year make to the Secretary of State a report on the exercise and performance by the Council of its functions during that year.


The Secretary of State shall lay a copy of any report under this paragraph before each House of Parliament, together with such comments as he may think fit to make.



Each of the Research Councils shall keep proper accounts and other records, and shall prepare for each financial year statements of account in such form as the Secretary of State with the approval of the Treasury may direct and submit those statements of account to the Secretary of State at such time as he may direct.


The Secretary of State shall, on or before the 30th November in any year, transmit to the Comptroller and Auditor General the statements of account of each Council for the financial year last ended.


The Comptroller and Auditor General shall examine and certify the statements of account transmitted to him under this paragraph, and lay copies of them together with his report thereon before each House of Parliament.