12Saving of rights under Railways Clauses Acts, etc.
(1)Nothing in this Act shall prejudicially affect—
(a)the right under the [1845 c. 20.] Railways Clauses Consolidation Act 1845, or any Act modifying that Act, including Part II of the [1923 c. 20.] Mines (Working Facilities and Support) Act 1923, or any other Act, whether public general, or local and private, of any railway or canal company, local authority or other statutory body to acquire minerals for the purposes of support, or
(b)any rights or interests in minerals which may have been acquired by any such company, authority or body, or
(c)any right of support from minerals to which any such company, authority or body may be entitled, or
(d)any right empowering any such company, authority or body to acquire the rights to which they are entitled directly or indirectly under any special Act or order relating to the company, authority or body or any statute incorporated therewith,
or shall confer on any such company, authority or body the right to acquire under this Act any rights to prohibit or restrict the working of minerals.
(2)For the purposes of Part II of the [1947 c. 49.] Transport Act 1947 and Part II of the [1962 c. 46.] Transport Act 1962, this section shall be deemed to have been enacted before those Acts.
(3)In the application of this section to Scotland for the reference to the [1845 c. 20.] Railways Clauses Consolidation Act 1845 there shall be substituted a reference to the [1845 c. 33.] Railways Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1845.