Section 2.

SCHEDULE 1Rate Support Grants

PART IThe needs element


1The amount of the needs element of rate support grants payable for any year, or such part thereof as may be determined by the Secretary of State, shall first be apportioned to all counties and those burghs which are counties of cities on such basis as may be prescribed.

2The amount apportioned in accordance with the foregoing paragraph of this Schedule to any county shall be further apportioned among the landward area, or in the case of a combined county the landward areas of the county, and the burghs in the county in proportion to their products of a rate of one penny in the pound or their standard penny rate products, whichever is the higher, for the immediately preceding year, or in the case of a year of revaluation, in proportion to their said products, whichever is the higher, estimated in relation to that year under section 12 of this Act.

3Notwithstanding the provisions of the foregoing paragraphs the Secretary of State may, as respects any year, make provision for the apportionment of the needs element or any part thereof among such classes of local authorities and on such basis as may be prescribed.

Adjustment of the needs element payable to local authorities

4The needs element for any year shall be reduced by the expenditure incurred in that year by the Secretary of State in making any payments to the universities of Scotland under section 75(2) of the [1962 c. 47.] Education (Scotland) Act 1962.

5(1)The needs element for any year shall be subject to adjustment, in accordance with regulations made under this paragraph, in respect of expenditure to which this paragraph applies.

(2)The Secretary of State may after consultation with such associations of local authorities as appear to him to be concerned by regulations subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament, provide for ascertaining the aggregate of such expenditure for the year in question of all local authorities and joint county councils of which local authorities are constituent councils, for apportioning the aggregate among the local authorities, and for giving effect to the apportionment by means of increases or decreases in the needs element payable to each authority of such amounts as may be ascertained in accordance with the regulations.

(3)This paragraph applies to such expenditure incurred as may be specified in regulations made under this paragraph.

PART IIThe resources element

1The resources element shall be payable to a county council in respect of the landward area of the county and to a town council in respect of the area of the burgh, but shall not be payable to any local authority for any year unless the product of a rate of one penny in the pound for the area of the authority for that year is less than the standard penny rate product for the area.

2The amount of the resources element payable to a local authority for any year shall be the amount which bears to the relevant local expenditure of the authority for that year the same proportion as the difference between the rate products mentioned in paragraph 1 above bears to the standard penny rate product for the area of the authority for that year.

3(1)A county council shall, out of any resources element paid to them for any year, pay to the council of any district in the county an amount which bears to the amount of the resources element which was so paid (or would have been so paid if no reduction under paragraph 4 below had been made) the same proportion as the expenditure of the district council for that year bears to the relevant local expenditure for the landward area of the county for that year.

(2)In this paragraph—

  • " district " has the same meaning as in the [1947 c. 43.] Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947;

  • " expenditure " in relation to a district council for any year means so much of that council's expenditure for that year as is reckoned in calculating the relevant local expenditure for that year for the landward area of the county in which the district is situated.

4(1)Where for any year the actual rent income of a county council or town council is less than the council's notional rent income, the relevant local expenditure of the council shall be calculated for the purposes of this Part of this Schedule as if the council's notional rent income were substituted for the council's actual rent income.

(2)In this paragraph " actual rent income " has the same meaning as in section 3(3)(a) of the Act of 1963, and the notional rent income of a council shall be calculated on such basis as may be prescribed.

5For the purposes of this Part of this Schedule the relevant local expenditure in relation to any area for any year is so much of the total expenditure for the year as would fall to be met out of moneys raised by rates levied in the area if no resources element were payable to the local authority concerned.

PART IIIThe domestic element

1There shall for each year be prescribed, for the purposes of section 7 of this Act, an amount in the pound which in the opinion of the Secretary of State corresponds to the amount of the domestic element prescribed for that year in pursuance of section 2(4) of this Act.

2The amount of the domestic element payable to a local authority for any year shall be determined in the manner provided by regulations made by the Secretary of State after consultation with such associations of local authorities as appear to him to be concerned.

Any statutory instrument containing regulations made under this paragraph shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.

3Any amounts payable to a local authority in respect of the domestic element shall be taken into account for the purposes of this and any other Act as if they were payable on account of rates and in computing the product of a penny rate ; and any reduction made in pursuance of section 7 of this Act shall be disregarded in computing the product of a penny rate for those purposes.

Section 16.

SCHEDULE 2Valuation of Water Undertakings.

PART IDetermination of Cumulo Rateable Value

1The Assessor of Public Undertakings (Scotland) (hereinafter referred to as " the Assessor ") shall for the year 1967-68 and each subsequent year determine in accordance with the following provisions of this and the next succeeding Part of this Schedule the cumulo rateable value of lands and heritages occupied for the purposes of a water undertaking, other than excepted premises, and shall enter such value in the valuation roll.

In this paragraph " excepted premises " means dwelling-houses, or lands and heritages held by a local water authority under a lease for a period not exceeding twenty-one years.

2The Secretary of State may by order make provision for determining the national average rateable value per unit per day calculated on the basis of the aggregate potential output of water, for a year specified in the order, of all the water undertakings whose values are for the year 1967-68 to be entered in the valuation roll referred to in paragraph 1 above, and such value so determined, or as modified under paragraph 3 below, is in this Schedule known as " the norm ".

3Having regard to the changes in the rateable values of other lands and heritages, the Secretary of State shall keep the norm under review and may, in the year 1971-72 and each year of revaluation thereafter, by order make such adjustments in the provisions for determining the norm as appear to him to be appropriate.

Any such order shall commence to have effect in the year in which it is made.

4Not later than 31st December in any calendar year, commencing with the year 1966, each local water authority shall as respects the previous year ascertain and certify to the Assessor, to the nearest ten units, the average number of units per day of the various categories of water described in sub-paragraphs (a) to (f) of paragraph 5 below.

5For the year 1967-68 the cumulo rateable value of the lands and heritages occupied for the purposes of a water undertaking shall be the aggregate of the following—

(a)the average number of units per day of potable water produced by the undertaking and supplied for use within the limits of supply of the local water authority carrying on the undertaking in the year 1965-66, multiplied by the norm;

(b)one half of the average number of units per day of potable water supplied by them in bulk for distribution or use outwith the limits of supply of the local water authority carrying on the undertaking in the year 1965-66, multiplied by the norm;

(c)one half of the average number of units per day of potable water supplied to them in bulk in the year 1965-66, multiplied by the norm ;

(d)the average number of units per day of non-potable water supplied by them in bulk for distribution or use outwith the limits of supply of the local water authority carrying on the undertaking in the year 1965-66, multiplied by such fraction of the norm as may be prescribed by order made by the Secretary of State ;

(e)the average number of units per day of non-potable water produced by them and supplied for use within the limits of supply of the local water authority carrying on the undertaking in the year 1965-66, multiplied (subject to paragraph 6 below) by such fraction of the norm as may be prescribed by order made by the Secretary of State ; and

(f)the average number of units per day of non-potable water supplied to them in bulk in the year 1965-66 multiplied by such fraction of the norm as may be prescribed by order made by the Secretary of State.

6The fraction prescribed by order made under paragraph 5(e) above may, for the purpose of the application of that sub-paragraph to a particular water undertaking, be varied by the Assessor within such limits as may be specified in the order, if in the opinion of the Assessor exceptional circumstances exist in relation to that undertaking.

7(1)The Assessor shall, in respect of each year of revaluation, determine anew the cumulo rateable value pertaining to each water undertaking and for that purpose shall apply the provisions of paragraph 5 above, so however that for the reference in that paragraph to the year 1967-68 there shall be substituted a reference to the year of revaluation, and for any reference in that paragraph to the year 1965-66 there shall be substituted a reference to the year last but one before the year of revaluation.

(2)Where as respects any year (in this paragraph referred to as " the relevant year ") the average number of units per day supplied by a water undertaking, as certified under paragraph 4 above, exceeds or falls short of the average number of units so supplied and certified for the purposes of valuation for the base year by more than such percentage as may be prescribed by order made by the Secretary of State, the Assessor shall determine anew the cumulo rateable value pertaining to that undertaking and for that purpose shall apply the provisions of paragraph 5 above, so however that for the reference in that paragraph to the year 1967-68 there shall be substituted a reference to the year second succeeding the relevant year, and for any reference in that paragraph to the year 1965-66 there shall be substituted a reference to the relevant year.

(3)In this paragraph " base year " means the year for which the valuation pertaining to a water undertaking was last determined by the Assessor.

PART IIDetermination of Cumulo Rateable Value in Respect of Amalgamated Undertakings and of New Undertakings

8Where an amalgamation of water undertakings takes place, the provisions of paragraphs 9 to 14 below shall apply for the purposes of determining the cumulo rateable value pertaining to the amalgamated undertaking.

9For the year in which the amalgamation takes place the amalgamated water undertaking shall be treated as consisting of the separate water undertakings which comprise it, and accordingly the cumulo rateable values relating to the separate undertakings shall continue to apply.

10For the first year succeeding that in which the amalgamation took place (in paragraph 14 below referred to for the purposes of this paragraph as " the valuation year ") the cumulo rateable value pertaining to the amalgamated water undertaking shall be determined under paragraph 5 above on the basis of an aggregation of the various figures for the separate undertakings comprising the amalgamated undertaking certified to the Assessor under paragraph 4 above in respect of the year prior to that in which the amalgamation took place (in paragraph 14 below referred to for the purposes of this paragraph as " the base year ").

11Where the amalgamated water undertaking has been in existence for less than two complete years then for the second year succeeding that in which the amalgamation took place (in paragraph 14 below referred to for the purposes of this paragraph as " the valuation year ") the cumulo rateable value pertaining to the water undertaking shall be determined under paragraph 5 above on the basis of an aggregation of the various figures for the separate undertakings comprising the amalgamated undertaking and the various figures for the amalgamated undertaking certified to the Assessor under paragraph 4 above in respect of the year in which the amalgamation took place (in paragraph 14 below referred to for the purposes of this paragraph as " the base year ").

12Where an amalgamation takes place which involves the division of an existing water undertaking into separate parts the cumulo rateable value pertaining to each part shall, for the years referred to in paragraphs 9 to 11 above, be determined in such manner as may be directed by the Secretary of State, and in those paragraphs any reference to a separate undertaking shall be construed as including a reference to the part comprised in the amalgamated undertaking.

13Where the amalgamated water undertaking has been in existence for two complete years then for the second year succeeding that in which the amalgamation took place (in paragraph 14 below referred to for the purposes of this paragraph as "the valuation year") the cumulo rateable value pertaining to the water undertaking shall be determined under paragraph 5 above on the basis of the figures for that undertaking certified to the Assessor under paragraph 4 above in respect of the year in which the amalgamation took place (in paragraph 14 below referred to for the purposes of this paragraph as " the base year ").

14For the purposes of paragraphs 10, 11 and 13 above paragraph 5 above shall apply as if for the reference to the year 1967-68 there were substituted a reference to the valuation year and for the references to the year 1965-66 there were substituted references to the base year.

15(1)No rateable value shall be attributable to any new water undertaking until the year (in this paragraph referred to as " the valuation year ") second succeeding that in which it commences to supply water to consumers, and accordingly for the purposes of this paragraph paragraph 5 above shall apply as if for the reference to the year 1967-68 there were substituted a reference to the valuation year and for the references to the year 1965-66 there were substituted references to the year in which the undertaking so commences to supply water.

(2)This paragraph applies only to new water undertakings and accordingly does not apply to a part of an undertaking which consists in an addition to an existing water undertaking.

PART IIIDetermination of Rateable Value

16In the case of a water undertaking wholly situated within a rating area the cumulo rateable value for the year 1967-68 or any subsequent year, as ascertained under the foregoing provisions of this Schedule, shall be taken to be the rateable value of that undertaking for that year and the Assessor shall enter that value in the valuation roll.

17In the case of a water undertaking situated within more than one rating area the Assessor shall for the year 1967-68 and each subsequent year determine in accordance with the following provisions of this Part of this Schedule the rateable value attributable to a water undertaking in respect of such parts of the undertaking as are situated within such an area, and shall enter that value in the valuation roll.

18For the purposes of this Part of this Schedule the capital works of each water undertaking shall be divided into productive and distributive parts in such manner as may be prescribed by order made by the Secretary of State.

19Not later than 31st December in any calendar year, commencing with the year 1966, each water authority shall ascertain and certify to the Assessor—

(a)the capital expenditure in respect of the productive part of the undertaking in each of the rating areas and, where appropriate, the separately rated areas in which the undertaking is situated ; and

(b)the income for the previous year from public water rate, domestic water rate and water charges derived from each rating area in which any portion of the distributive part of the undertaking is situated.

20The cumulo rateable value of each water undertaking, as ascertained under the foregoing provisions of this Schedule, shall then be apportioned between the productive and distributive parts of the undertaking in such proportion as the Secretary of State may, in such manner as he thinks fit, by order determine.

21(1)The amount of the cumulo rateable value apportioned to the productive part of the undertaking shall be apportioned among the rating areas in which any portion of that part is situated in such proportion as the capital cost of that portion bears to the capital cost of that part.

(2)The amount of the cumulo rateable value apportioned to the distributive part of the undertaking shall be apportioned among the rating areas in which any portion of that part is situated in such proportion as the aggregate income from the public water rate, domestic water rate and water charges derived from a rating area bears to such income derived from the whole of the area in which the distributive part of the undertaking is situated.

(3)The aggregate of the amounts duly apportioned as aforesaid in respect of each water undertaking shall then be taken to be the rateable value attributable to that undertaking in the rating area concerned.

22Where a rating area has within it separately rated areas the rateable value of a water undertaking as ascertained under the foregoing provisions of this Part of this Schedule shall be apportioned between those areas on such basis as may be determined by the Assessor who shall enter the resultant apportioned values in the valuation roll.

23The Assessor shall no longer be required under section 23 of the [1854 c. 91.] Lands Valuation (Scotland) Act 1854 to apportion the cumulo rateable value of a water undertaking as between the various parishes in which the undertaking is situated or to enter such apportioned value in the valuation roll.

PART IVMiscellaneous

Transitional Provisions

24The Secretary of State may, as respects any year from 1967-68 to 1971-72, by order provide for the modification of the cumulo rateable values pertaining to all or any water undertakings.


25Before making an order under this Schedule the Secretary of State shall consult with such associations of local authorities or other bodies or associations as appear to him to be concerned.

26Any statutory instrument containing an order made under paragraph 2 or 3 of this Schedule shall not have effect unless approved by a resolution of the Commons House of Parliament, and any statutory instrument containing an order made under any other provision of this Schedule shall be subject to annulment in pursuance of a resolution of either House of Parliament.


27For the purposes of this Schedule—

  • " burgh " has the like meaning as in the [1947 c. 43.] Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947;

  • " limits of supply " has the meaning assigned to it by section 5(3) of the [1946 c. 42.] Water (Scotland) Act 1946 ;

  • " public water rate " and " domestic water rate " have the meanings assigned to them by section 1 of the [1949 c. 31.] Water (Scotland) Act 1949 ;

  • " rating area " means the area of a rating authority within the meaning of Part XI of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947;

  • " separately rated area " means any part of a burgh or landward area in which a different rate or rates is or are levied from those levied in other parts of the burgh or landward area;

  • " unit " means a thousand gallons of water;

  • " valuation roll " means the roll made up by the Assessor under the Valuation Acts ;

references to the supply of water in bulk are references to a supply taken by a local water authority for augmenting or constituting the supply to be given by them.

Section 25.

SCHEDULE 3Rating of Unoccupied Property.

Determination of rateable values

1(1)Subject to the provisions of this Schedule, the rateable value of lands and heritages for the purposes of section 24 of this Act shall be the rateable value ascribed to them in the valuation roll in force for the area in which the lands and heritages are situated or, if the lands and heritages are not included in that roll, the rateable value subsequently ascribed to the lands and heritages in a valuation roll in force for that area.

(2)If the relevant period of vacancy in respect of lands and heritages begins before the time when the valuation roll relating to a year of revaluation comes into force for the area of a rating authority and the lands and heritages were not included in the valuation roll for the preceding year, then—

(a)if within 28 days of the receipt by him of a notice under section 9(4) of the [1956 c. 60.] Valuation and Rating (Scotland) Act 1956 or of a completion notice in respect of the lands and heritages concerned the owner so requests the assessor, the assessor shall certify to him and to the rating authority the gross annual value and the rateable value which in his opinion would (in accordance with section 15 of this Act) have been ascribed to the lands and heritages if they had been included in the valuation roll for the said preceding year, and the owner and the rating authority shall be entitled to appeal or complain with respect to the value so certified as in manner provided by or under the Valuation Acts,

(b)the assessor shall, when he issues a certificate under head (a) above, send to the owner of the lands and heritages a notice of his right of appeal by virtue of the said head (a), and

(c)the owner of the lands and heritages shall, in accordance with the rateable value so certified or determined as the result of an appeal or complaint, be liable to be rated under section 24 of this Act in respect of so much of the relevant period of vacancy as fell within the said preceding year.

Completion of newly erected or constructed buildings

2For the purposes of section 24 of this Act, a newly erected building which is not occupied on the date determined under the following provisions of this Schedule as the date on which the erection of the building is completed shall be deemed to become unoccupied on that date.

3(1)Where a rating authority is of opinion—

(a)that the erection of a building within their area has been completed ; or

(b)that the work remaining to be done on a building within their area is such that the erection of the building can reasonably be expected to be completed within three months,

and that the building is, or when completed will be, comprised in relevant lands and heritages, the authority may serve on the owner of the building a notice (in this Schedule referred to as "a completion notice ") stating that the erection of the building is to be treated for the purposes of this Schedule as completed on the date of service of the notice or on such later date as may be specified by the notice ; and the authority shall along with the completion notice send to the owner a notice of his right of appeal by virtue of sub-paragraph (4) below.

(2)If a person on whom a completion notice is served agrees in writing with the authority by whom the notice was served that the erection of the building to which the notice relates shall be treated for the purposes of this Schedule as completed on a date specified by the agreement, it shall be treated for those purposes as completed on that day and the notice shall be deemed to be withdrawn.

(3)Where a rating authority has served a completion notice on any person, the authority may withdraw the notice by a subsequent notice served on that person; and a notice under this sub-paragraph may be served—

(a)at any time before an appeal in pursuance of sub-paragraph (4) of this paragraph is brought against the completion notice; and

(b)with the agreement of the person aforesaid, at any time thereafter and before the appeal is determined.

(4)A person on whom a completion notice is served may, during the period of twenty-one days beginning with the date of service of the notice, appeal to the sheriff against the notice on the ground that the erection of the building to which the notice relates has not been, or, as the case may be, cannot reasonably be expected to be, completed by the date specified by the notice.

(5)If a completion notice served in respect of a building is not withdrawn and no appeal is brought in pursuance of sub-paragraph (4) of this paragraph against the notice or such an appeal is abandoned or dismissed, the erection of the building shall be treated for the purposes of this Schedule as completed on the date specified by the notice ; and if such an appeal is brought and is not abandoned or dismissed and the completion notice in question is not withdrawn, the erection of the building shall be treated for those purposes as completed on such date as the sheriff shall determine.

(6)In the application of section 349 of the [1947 c. 43.] Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947 to the service of notices under this paragraph, any reference to sending a notice by post shall be construed as a reference to sending it by registered post or by the recorded delivery service.

4In the case of a building to which work remains to be done of a kind which is customarily done to a building of the type in question after the erection of the building has been substantially completed, it shall be assumed for the purposes of paragraph 3 of this Schedule that the erection of the building has been or can reasonably be expected to be completed at the expiration of such period, beginning with the date of its completion apart from the work, as is reasonably required for carrying out the work.

5Where by reason of the structural alteration of any building relevant lands and heritages become or become part of different lands and heritages, the relevant lands and heritages shall be deemed for the purposes of this Schedule to have ceased to exist on the date (as determined in pursuance of the foregoing provisions of this Schedule) of the completion of the structural alteration and, in particular, to have been omitted on that date from any valuation roll in which they were then included ; but nothing in this paragraph shall be construed as affecting any liability for rates under section 24 of this Act in respect of the lands and heritages for any period before that date.


6No rate shall be payable under the said section 24 in respect of lands and heritages for any period during which they are deemed by virtue of subsection (5) of that section to have been unoccupied and any such rate paid in respect of such a period shall be recoverable by the person by whom it was paid.

7No rate under the said section 24 shall be payable in respect of lands and heritages for any period as respects which the rating authority receive full rates for the lands and heritages concerned.

In this paragraph " full rates " means rates levied according to the rateable value of lands and heritages without deduction or remission of any kind.

8In this Schedule—

  • " building " includes part of a building ;

  • " owner ", in relation to a building, means the person entitled to possession of the building ; and

  • " relevant lands and heritages " and " relevant period of vacancy " have the same meanings as in section 24 of this Act,

and references to a newly erected building include references to a building produced by the structural alteration of a building included in relevant lands and heritages which by virtue of paragraph 5 of this Schedule have ceased or will cease to exist on the completion of the structural alteration and, in relation to a building so produced, references to erection of a building shall be construed as references to the structural alteration producing it.

9The provisions of this Schedule relating to newly erected buildings shall apply to buildings which are being improved by the owner and are thereby rendered temporarily unsuitable for occupation, and references to erection of a building shall be construed as references to improvements; and those provisions shall so apply with any other necessary

In this paragraph " improvements " includes alterations other than such alterations as are described in paragraph 5 above, and " improved " shall be construed accordingly.

Section 42.

SCHEDULE 4Licences etc.

PART IEnactments Ceasing to have Effect

1The [1870 c. 57.] Gun Licence Act 1870.

2The [1888 c. 33.] Hawkers Act 1888.

3In Section 275 of the [1892 c. 55.] Burgh Police (Scotland) Act 1892, the word "porters ".

4Sections 341 to 352 of the [1894 c. 60.] Merchant Shipping Act 1894, in section 365(1) of that Act paragraph (d) and the words ' (e) emigrant runners ', and section 23 of the [1906 c. 48.] Merchant Shipping Act 1906.

PART IIVariation of Fees for Licences, Registration, etc.

Enactments Specifying FeesRelevant Minister or Department
1. Sections 2,7 and 13 of the [1860 c. 90.] Game Licences" Act 1860.} The Treasury.
2. Section 37 of the [1872 c. 93.] Pawnbrokers Act 1872.
3. Section 5 of the [1883 c. 10.] Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1883.
4. Section 1(1) of the [1927 c. 21.] Moneylenders Act 1927, excluding the proviso.
5. Section 6 of the [1843 c. 68.] Theatres Act 1843.} The Secretary of State.
6. Sections 15, 18 and 21 of the Explosives Act 1875.
7. Section 275 of the [1875 c. 17.] Burgh Police (Scotland) Act 1892 in relation to vendors of small wares.
8. Section 396 of the Burgh Police (Scotland) Act 1892.
9. Paragraph 2(d) of Schedule 5 to the Burgh Police (Scotland) Act 1892.
10. Section 2(5) of the [1909 c. 30.] Cinematograph Act 1909.
11. Section 5(1) of the [1920 c. 75.] Official Secrets Act 1920.
12. Section 5(3) of the [1925 c. 38.] Performing Animals (Regulation) Act 1925.
13. Section 3 of the [1925 c. 50.] Theatrical Employers Registration Act 1925.
14. Section 2(5) of the [1928 c. 29.] Slaughter of Animals (Scotland) Act 1928.
15. Schedule 1 to the [1928 c. 32.] Petroleum (Consolidation) Act 1928.
16. Section 1(4) of the [1936 c. 27.] Petroleum (Transfer of Licences) Act 1936.
17. Sections 3, 8(2) and 9(2) of the [1937 c. 12.] Firearms Act 1937.The Secretary of State
18. Section 1(2) of the [1938 c. 73.] Nursing Homes Registration (Scotland) Act 1938.
19. Section 4(1)(b) of the [1940 c. 31.] War Charities Act 1940 (including paragraph (b) as applied by Section 41 of the National Assistance Act 1948).
20. Section 37(2) of the [1948 c. 29.] National Assistance Act 1948 (including subsection (2) as applied by Section 19 of the [1960 c. 61.] Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1960).
21. Section 1(2) of the [1951 c. 35.] Pet Animals Act 1951.
22. Sections 2(1), 6(1) and 7(1) of the [1951 c. 63.] Rag Flock and Other Filling Materials Act 1951.
23. Section 30(1) of the [1958 c. 5 (7 & 8 Eliz. 2.).] Adoption Act 1958.
24. Section 1(1) of the [1959 c. 55.] Dog Licences Act 1959.
25. Section 15(4) of the Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1960.
26. Paragraph 11 of Schedule 2, paragraph 12 of Schedule 3, paragraph 4 of Schedule 6 and paragraphs 3 and 9 of Schedule 7 to the [1963 c. 2.] Betting, Gaming and Lotteries Act 1963.
27. Section 1(2) of the [1963 c. 43.] Animal Boarding Establishments Act 1963.
28. Section 1(2) of the [1964 c. 70.] Riding Establishments Act 1964.
29. Any provision of a local Act specifying a fee or maximum fee in respect of a licence relating to any matter to which the enactments mentioned in this Part of this Schedule relate.

Section 48.

SCHEDULE 5Consequential Amendments.

The [1948 c. 26.] Local Government Act 1948

1Section 24(1) shall have effect in relation to the year 1967-68 and subsequent years as if any reference therein (as substituted by paragraph 11(2) of Schedule 4 to the [1958 c. 64.] Local Government and Miscellaneous Financial Provisions (Scotland) Act 1958) to a general grant payable under that Act were a reference to the needs element of the rate support grant payable under the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1966.

2After section 94(2) there shall be inserted the following subsection—

(2AA)In ascertaining the gross charge aforesaid for Scotland for any year the Secretary of State shah treat the aggregate amount of the domestic element of rate support grants for that year as an amount required to be paid by virtue of the rates levied for that year by authorities in Scotland.

The [1947 c. 43.] Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947

3In section 243(1), after the words " local Act" there shall be inserted the words " or in Part II of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1966 ".

The [1950 c. 34.] Housing (Scotland) Act 1950

4In paragraph 8 of Schedule 7, after the words " previous year " there shall be inserted the words " and by way of sums paid in respect of the domestic element of rate support grant for the district concerned " ,

and at the end of the paragraph there shall be inserted the words " (disregarding any reduction in the amount of the rate made in pursuance of section 7 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1966). "

The [1959 c. 70.] Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1959

5In section 54(1), in the definition of " grant-aided function ", for the words " Local Government and Miscellaneous Financial Provisions (Scotland) Act 1958 " there shall be substituted (in relation to the year 1967-68 and subsequent years) the words " section 2 of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1966 ".

Section 48.

SCHEDULE 6Enactments repealed.

ChapterShort TitleExtent of Repeal
23 & 24 Vict. c. 90.The Game Licences Act 1860.Section 3.
31 & 32 Vict. c. 110.The Telegraph Act 1868.Section 22.
33 & 34 Vict. c. 57.The Gun Licence Act 1870.The whole Act.
42 & 43 Vict. c. 42.The Valuation of Lands (Scotland) Amendment Act 1879.In section 7, the words " and shall then declare himself dissatisfied with such determination ".
43 & 44 Vict. c. 47.The Ground Game Act 1880.In section 4, the proviso.
45 & 46 Vict. c. 72.The Revenue, Friendly Societies and National Debt Act 1882.Section 6.
46 & 47 Vict. c. 10.The Customs and Inland Revenue Act 1883.Section 6.
51 & 52 Vict. c. 33.The Hawkers Act 1888.The whole Act.
55 & 56 Vict. c. 55.The Burgh Police (Scotland) Act 1892.In section 275, the word " porters ".
57 & 58 Vict. c. 60.The Merchant Shipping Act 1894.Sections 341 to 352. In section 365(1), paragraph (d) and the words ' (e) emigrant runners'.
6 Edw. 7. c. 48.The Merchant Shipping Act 1906.Section 23.
9 & 10 Geo. 5. c. 50.The Ministry of Transport Act 1919.In section 17, paragraph (b) of subsection (1) and subsection (2).
19 & 20 Geo. 5. c. 25.The Local Government (Scotland) Act 1929.In Schedule 5, paragraph 3.
1 Edw. 8 & 1 Geo. 6. c. 5.The Trunk Roads Act 1936.Section 6(4).
1 Edw. 8 & 1 Geo. 6. c. 12.The Firearms Act 1937.In section 15(1) the words " a licence to use or carry a gun under the Gun Licence Act 1870 or ".
10 & 11 Geo. 6. c. 43.The Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947.In section 218(1), the words from " with such adjustments " to the word " current" and the words from " For the purposes of this subsection " to the end of the subsection.
10 & 11 Geo. 6. c. 53.The Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1947.In section 89, subsections (1) to (3).
11 & 12 Geo.6. c. 26.The Local Government Act 1948.In section 132, subsection (10)(d).
11 & 12 Geo. 6. c. 45.The Agriculture (Scotland) Act 1948.In section 53, the words from " but nothing " onwards.
14 Geo. 6. c. 39.The Public Utilities Street Works Act 1950.In section 27, in subsection (3), the words from " (in the order " to " declare)".
4 & 5 Eliz. 2. c. 60.The Valuation and Rating (Scotland) Act 1956.Section 17.
In section 22, subsection (4)(b).
7 & 8 Eliz. 2. c. 55.The Dog Licences Act 1959.Section 1(2).
In section 4, the words from " if the owner " in subsection (1) to the end of the section.
Sections 6, 8 and 9(2).
In section 10(1) the words " This subsection shall not apply to Scotland.".
Section 10(2).
In section 11, the words " declaration and certificate of exemption ", " declaration and certificate ", " declaration or certificate of exemption" and " declaration or certificate ".
In section 13, paragraph (b), the word " or " immediately preceding that paragraph, the words " or certificate, as the case may be ", the words " an authorised officer or ", the words " officer or", and the words from "In this section " to the end of the section.
Section 14.
1963 c. 12.The Local Government (Financial Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1963.Section 7(3).
Schedule 2.