SCHEDULE 3Increase of Fines.

Section 92.

PART IIncrease of fines fixed by enactments


Description of Offence

Old fine or maximum fine

New maximum fine

The London Hackney Carriage Act 1831, c. 22.

Section 35

Cab driver refusing to go with any person desirous of hiring.



The Act 1 & 2 Wm. 4. c. 43

as incorporated by, and set out in, Schedule C to the

[1878 c. 51.]

Road and Bridges (Scotland) Act 1878.

Section 81

Interfering with repair or use of turnpike road by taking away materials therefor from quarry or otherwise.



Section 90

Obstructing drainage of or encroaching upon turnpike road or damaging road surface by drains, etc.


£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 96 (both as originally enacted and as modified by section 264 of, and Schedule 17 to, the

[1960 c. 16.]

Road Traffic Act 1960).

Miscellaneous offences of misusing, damaging or obstructing turnpike road, including riding or driving on footways.

£2 10s.

£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 97

Waggon-driver riding without control over reins, failing to keep to the left, and other offences.



Section 103

Allowing cattle to stray on turnpike road.

5s. for each animal.

£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence, irrespective of number of animals.

Section 108

Failure to have name and address of carriage, etc., and to permit name to be read.



The Game (Scotland) Act 1832, c. 68.

Section 1

Day trespass in pursuit of game, etc.

£2, or £5 if in disguise or in group of five or more

£20 or £50 respectively.

The Highway Act 1835, c. 50.

Section 72

Miscellaneous offences on the highway, including riding on the footpath, tethering animals and damaging or obstructing the highway.



Section 78

Miscellaneous offences by drivers of carriages on the highway, including negligent and furious driving and failing to keep to the left.

£5 where the driver is not the owner, and £10 where he is the owner.


The Metropolitan Police Act 1839, c. 47.

Section 44

Keepers of refreshment houses permitting drunkenness, disorderly conduct, etc., on the premises.



Section 54

Miscellaneous offences in thoroughfares, including furious driving, obstructing a thoroughfare and discharging firearms.



The City of London Police Act 1839, c. xciv.

Section 35

Miscellaneous offences in thoroughfares, including furious driving, obstructing a thoroughfare and discharging firearms.



The Pound Breach Act 1843, c. 30.

Section 1

Releasing impounded cattle or damaging a pound.



The London Hackney Carriages Act 1843, c. 86.

Section 10

Persons acting as drivers without licences and tickets, transferring or lending licences and tickets and proprietors suffering unlicensed persons to act as drivers.

£5 except for offences by proprietors and £10 for offences by proprietors.

£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 14

False representations, etc., in connection with applications for licences.



Section 17

Failure by driver to wear ticket.



Section 33

Miscellaneous offences by cab drivers including loitering, causing obstruction and overcharging.



The Railways Clauses Consolidation Act 1845, c. 20.

Section 75

Failure to fasten gates on either side of railway.



The Railways Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act 1845, c. 33.

Section 68

Failure to fasten gates on either side of railway.



The Harbours, Docks, and Piers Clauses Act 1847, c. 27.

Section 28

Unjustified claims for exemption from harbour rates.



Section 38

Masters of ships giving no account, or false account, of cargo unshipped.



Section 39

Shippers of goods giving no account, or false account, of cargo shipped.



The Towns Improvement Clauses Act 1847, c. 34.

Section 65

Occupier failing after notice to mark house with approved number or to renew approved number thereon.



The Cemeteries Clauses Act 1847, c. 65.

Section 58

Wilful damage, daubing, etc., walls or posting bills in cemetery.



Section 59

Playing games, etc., discharging firearms, disturbing persons assembled for burial, or committing nuisance in cemetery.



The Town Police Clauses Act 1847, c. 89.

Section 21

Contravention of orders made for regulating traffic and preventing obstruction in streets.



Section 28

Miscellaneous offences in thoroughfares, including obstruction, furious driving and discharging firearms.



Section 35

Keepers of refreshment houses harbouring prostitutes and thieves.



Section 40

Mis-statements and omissions in applications for hackney carriage licences.



Section 45

Plying for hire without a licence.


£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 47

Persons acting as cab drivers without a licence, lending licences and proprietors employing unlicensed drivers.


£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 53

Cab driver refusing to drive.



Section 58

Cab proprietor or driver overcharging.



The London Hackney Carriage Act 1853, c. 33.

Section 11

Failure by drivers and others to hand in property left in cabs and omnibuses.



Section 17

Miscellaneous offences by drivers and conductors, including overcharging and refusing passengers or luggage.



Section 19

Offences for which no specific penalty is imposed.



The Inclosure Act 1857, c. 31.

Section 12

Damaging or causing nuisances on town and village greens.



The Ecclesiastical Courts Jurisdiction Act 1860, c. 32.

Section 2

Riotous or indecent behaviour in churches, burial grounds, etc., and harassing authorised preachers.



The Malicious Damage Act 1861, c. 97.

Section 37

Tampering with telegraphs or obstructing communications.



Section 38

Attempts to tamper with telegraphs, etc.



The Offences Against the Person Act 1861, c. 100.

Section 42 (as amended by section 39 of the

[1925 c. 86.]

Criminal Justice Act 1925).

Common assault or battery.



Section 43 (as so amended).

Aggravated assault or battery.



The Poaching (Prevention) Act 1862, c. 114.

Section 2

Simple poaching



The Telegraph Act 1863, c. 112.

Section 45

Post Office employee failing to transmit, etc., or delaying or preventing transmission of, or improperly disclosing, message.



The Trespass (Scotland) Act 1865, c. 56.

Section 4

Miscellaneous offences of trespass.

£1 for a first offence and £2 for a second or subsequent offence.


The Metropolitan Streets Act 1867, c. 134.

Section 6

Obstruction by unnecessary deposit of goods, etc., on footways, etc.


£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 9

Displaying unapproved advertisements.

10s. 0d.


The Metropolitan Public Carriage Act 1869, c. 115.

Section 7

Unlicensed hackney carriage plying for hire or using cab stand.

£5 for every day when carriage plies for hire or for every occasion when found on the stand.

£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 8

Driving hackney or stage carriage when unlicensed.


£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

The Tramways Act 1870, c. 78.

Section 51

Non-payment of fares



The Explosives Act 1875, c. 17.

Section 31

Sale of gunpowder to child apparently under thirteen.



Section 33

Contravention of general rules as to packing of gunpowder for conveyance.



Section 80

Throwing fireworks in the street.



The Post Office (Protection) Act 1884, c. 76.

Section 11

(a) Forgery, etc., of telegram.



(b) Improper disclosure of telegram by employee of telegraphic company.



The Indecent Advertisements Act 1889, c. 18.

Section 3

Affixing, inscribing or exhibiting indecent or offensive matter in the public view.



Section 4

Delivering such matter to another with intent that it should be so affixed, etc.



The Infectious Diseases (Notification) Act 1889, c. 72.

Section 3(2)

Failure to notify notifiable disease.



The Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1890, c. 59.

Section 51(5)

Keeping or using a place for public music or dancing without a licence.

£5 for each day on which the offence is committed.


Section 51(9)

Contravention etc., of conditions of entertainment licence.

£20 and in addition £5 for each day on which the offence is committed.


The Military Lands Act 1892, c. 43.

Section 17

Contravention of byelaws



The Burgh Police (Scotland) Act 1892, c. 55.

Section 114

Persons other than scavengers removing rubbish, filth, etc.



Section 186

Using street closed for roadworks and extinguishing warning light.



Section 304(1)

Letting for hire any pleasure boat without a licence or contravening terms of licence.



Section 381

Miscellaneous offences in streets and public places.



Section 386

Allowing cattle to stray unattended in any street.


£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Schedule 5 (Offences against regulations for hackney carriages).

Paragraph 2(b)

Making a false statement in application for a licence.



Paragraph 2(g)

Failure by licensee to notify change of address.



Paragraph 2(h)

Driver plying for hire in unlicensed carriage or without disclosing licence number and owner of such carriage employing driver.


£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Paragraph 3(c)

Persons driving hackney carriages without a licence, lending licences, and proprietors employing unlicensed drivers.


£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Paragraph 9

Driver refusing to drive.



Paragraphs 4, 8, 10 to 13 and 15.

Miscellaneous offences by licensees of carriages and drivers, including overcharging and refusing to carry or exceeding the authorised number of passengers.



Paragraph 19

Driver obstructing street or other carriage or preventing hire of another driver by force.



The Uniforms Act 1894, c. 45.

Section 2

Wearing a military uniform, etc., without authority.



Section 3

Wearing a military or naval uniform, etc., without authority in a manner likely to bring contempt on the uniform, or employing another for that purpose.



The Friendly Societies Act 1896, c. 25.

Section 89

Offence for which no express penalty is provided.



The London Cab Act 1896, c. 27.

Section 1

Hirer defrauding cab driver.



The Public Health (Scotland) Act 1897, c. 38.

Section 22 (as extended by section 1(5) of the

[1960 c. 68.]

Noise Abatement Act 1960).

Causing or negligently allowing nuisances.



Section 40

Failure to comply with notice requiring houses in filthy state to be purified.

10s. 0d. for each day on which offence continues.


Section 56

Exposure by any person of others to risk of infection by himself or by a person in his care, and transmitting or exposure of infectious articles.



Section 163

Offences for which no pecuniary penalty is provided, obstruction of persons executing Act, and contravention of regulations.


£10 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.

The Dogs Act 1906, c. 32.

Section 6

Allowing carcasses of cattle to lie unburied in field to which dogs have access.



The Prevention of Corruption Act 1906, c. 34.

Section 1

Giving or receiving bribes in respect of an agent's functions in relation to his principal's affairs, etc.



The Public Health Acts Amendment Act 1907, c. 53.

Section 94

Letting for hire or carrying passengers in an unlicensed pleasure boat or exceeding authorised number of passengers.



The Commons Act 1908, c. 44.

Section 1(2)

Owner turning out animal on a common in contravention of regulations and any person obstructing execution of regulations.



The Cinematograph Act 1909, c. 30.

Section 3

Use of apparatus or premises in contravention of the Act or regulations thereunder, etc.

£20 and in addition £5 for each day on which the offence is committed.


The Perjury Act 1911, c. 6.

Section 3 (as extended and amended by section 28(1) and (3) of the

[1925 c. 86.]

Criminal Justice Act 1925).

Making false oaths and statements with reference to marriages.



Section 4 (as amended by section 28 (2) and (3) of the Criminal Justice Act 1925).

Making false statements with reference to births and deaths.



The Fabrics (Misdescription) Act 1913, c. 17.

Section 1

Selling fabrics with misleading description as to inflammability.

£10 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

£100 for a first offence and £400 for a second or subsequent offence.

The Ancient Monuments Consolidation and Amendment Act 1913, c. 32.

Section 14

Damaging ancient monuments.



The Criminal Justice Administration Act 1914, c. 58.

Section 14(1)(b)

Wilful or malicious damage where amount of damage is £5 or less.



The Ferries (Acquisition by Local Authorities) Act 1919, c. 75.

Section 4

Fraudulent claims for exemption from payment of tolls.



The Land Settlement (Scotland) Act 1919, c. 97.

Section 22(2)

Damaging crops in allotments.



The Census Act 1920, c. 41.

Section 8(1)

Miscellaneous offences including making a false declaration, delivering a false document and giving a false answer.



The Allotments Act 1922, c. 51.

Section 19

Damaging allotments



The Law of Property Act 1925, c. 20

Section 193(4)

Unauthorised driving, camping, etc., on common land.



The Guardianship of Infants Act 1925, c. 45.

Section 8(1)

Failure to notify change of address by person liable to make maintenance payments.



The Criminal Justice Act 1925, c. 86.

Section 37

Unlawful possession of pension documents as securities for debts.



Section 38(1)

Making or using imitation bank notes.



Section 38(2)

Refusal by person whose name appears on an imitation bank note to give name and address of printer.



The Home Counties (Music and Dancing) Licensing Act 1926, c. 31.

Section 3(7)

Keeping a place for entertainment purposes without a licence.

£5 for each day on which the offence is committed.


Section 3(11) .

Contravention, etc., of conditions of entertainment licence.

£20 and in addition £5 for each day on which the offence continues after conviction thereof.


The Parks Regulations (Amendment) Act 1926, c. 36.

Section 2(1)

Contravention of regulations.



The Births and Deaths Registration Act 1926, c. 48.

Section 1

Disposal of body without a registrar's certificate or coroner's order.



Section 4

Removal of body out of England without complying with the relevant requirements.



Section 11

Contravention of other provisions of Act.



The Auctions (Bidding Agreements) Act 1927, c. 12.

Section 1

Dealer giving or any person accepting reward for abstention from bidding.



The Superannuation and Other Trust Funds (Validation) Act 1927, c. 41.

Section 7

Default in complying with requirements of Act, including requirements as to accounts and reports.



The Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act 1928, c. 19.

Section 2(3)

Forgery of grade designation marks and similar offences.



Section 2(4)

Unauthorised use of grade designation marks.



Section 3

Selling or exposing for sale unmarked preserved eggs.

£5 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.

£20 for a first offence and £100 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 4(2) as amended by section 23 of the

[1963 c. 11.]

Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1963.

Miscellaneous offences connected with the storage and marking of eggs.

£5 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.

In the case of an offence under paragraph (c) £20, and in any other case £20 for a first offence and £100 for a second or subsequent offence.

The Slaughter of Animals (Scotland) Act 1928, c. 29.

Section 4

Preventing or obstructing inspection of slaughterhouse, etc. by authorised person.



The Petroleum (Consolidation) Act 1928, c. 32.

Section 1(2)

Keeping petroleum-spirit without a licence.

£20 for each day on which the offence continues.


Section 1(3)

Keeping petroleum-spirit in contravention of conditions of licence.

£20 for each day on which the offence continues.


Section 2(4)

Failure of occupier of licensed premises to post notice of conditions of licence on premises, interference with notice, and contravention by employee of conditions set out in notice.

£5 for each day on which the failure continues, and £5 for each other offence.


Section 5(2)

Keeping, selling, etc., petroleum-spirit without proper labelling.



Section 6(2)

Contravention of regulations as to carriage of petroleum-spirit by road.

£20 for each day on which the offence continues.


Section 7(6)

Contravention of harbour authority's byelaws as to loading and carrying of petroleum-spirit.

£50 for each day on which the offence continues.


Section 8

Failure to give notice to harbour authority that cargo consists of petroleum-spirit.



Section 9(3)

Contravention of canal byelaws as to loading and carrying of petroleum-spirit.

£20 for each day on which the offence continues.


Section 10(2)

Contravention of regulations as to keeping and use of petroleum-spirit for purpose of motor vehicles, etc.

£20 for each day on which the offence continues.


The Ancient Monuments Act 1931, c. 16.

Section 7(2)

Contravening regulations about access to monuments.



The Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Amendment Act 1931, c. 40.

Section 4(1)

Use of mark or description calculated to deceive because of resemblance to grade designation mark.



The Grey Seals Protection Act 1932, c 23.

Section 2(1)

Killing, wounding or taking grey seals during close season and related offences.

£5 for an offence under paragraph (a) and £10 for an offence under paragraph (b) or (c).

£20 for an offence under paragraph (a) and £50 for an offence under paragraph (b) or (c).

The Children and Young Persons Act 1933, c. 12.

Section 5

Giving intoxicating liquor, or causing it to be given, to a child under five.



Section 10(1) (as amended by Schedule 8 to the

[1944 c. 31.]

Education Act 1944).

Vagrant preventing child or young person from receiving education.



Section 23 (as amended by section 64 (1) and Schedule 3 paragraph 5 to the

[1963 c. 37.]

Children and Young Persons Act 1963).

Any person procuring or parent allowing person under sixteen to take part in dangerous public performances.

£10 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

£50 for a first offence and £100 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 24(1)

Any person procuring or parent allowing person under twelve or unlicensed person under sixteen to be trained for dangerous performances.

£5 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.

£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 72(5)

Failure to comply with summons to produce a child or young person to be sent to an approved school.



Section 82(5)

Failure to comply with summons to produce a child or young person who has escaped from approved school.



Section 88(2)(c)

Failure by putative father to notify change of address.



The Local Government Act 1933, c. 51.

Section 289

Interference with local authority notice board, notice, etc.



The Public Health Act 1936, c. 49.

Section 76(3)

Sorting over or disturbing dustbins or material deposited on a refuse tip.



Section 83(2)

Failure to comply with notice requiring cleansing of filthy or verminous premises.



Section 94(2)

Failure to abate or to remove danger of recurrence of nuisance.



Section 95(1) (both as originally enacted and as applied by s. 16(1) of the

[1956 c. 52.]

Clean Air Act 1956).

Contravention, etc., of nuisance order, including a smoke nuisance order.

£5 and in addition £2 for each day on which the offence continues after conviction thereof under the section as originally enacted, and £10 and £5 respectively under the section as so applied.

£50 and in addition £5 for each day on which the offence continues after conviction thereof.

Section 144(2)

Failure to notify notifiable disease.



Section 148

Exposure by any person of others to risk of infection by himself or by a person in his care, and transmitting or exposure of infectious articles.



Section 149

Carrying on of any trade or business by a person suffering from a notifiable disease.



Section 152(4)

Sending articles which have been exposed to infection to laundry or cleaners, and failure of an occupier of a building in which a person is suffering from a notifiable disease to furnish address of cleaners or laundry to local authority.



Section 154(2)(as extended by section 42 of the

[1961 c. 64.]

Public Health Act 1961).

Sale or delivery of food or living things, or of any article whatever to children under 14, by rag dealers and others from their shops or in the course of collection.



Section 159(3).

Entering or permitting another to travel in a public conveyance knowing that the person entering or travelling is suffering from a notifiable disease.



Section 160(4)

Offences by an owner, driver or conductor of a public conveyance in connection with the carriage of persons suffering from a notifiable disease.



Section 170(3)

Contravention by a person suffering from a notifiable disease of an order not to leave hospital.



Section 246

Offences in connection with common lodging houses, including failure to keep premises suitably equipped and false statements in application for registration.



Section 269(7).

Contravention of provisions and conditions of licences as to keeping and use of movable dwellings.



Section 288

Obstruction of persons executing Act or subordinate instruments.

£5 and in addition £5 for each day on which the offence continues after conviction thereof.

£10 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.

The Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937, c. 37.

Section 16

Giving intoxicating liquor, or causing it to be given, to a child under five.



Section 21(1) (as amended by Schedule 4 to the

[1945 c. 37.]

Education (Scotland) Act 1945).

Vagrant preventing child or young person from receiving education.



Section 33 (as amended by Schedule 3 to the

[1963 c. 37.]

Children and Young Persons Act 1963).

Any person procuring or parent allowing person under sixteen to take part in dangerous public performances.

£10 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

£50 for a first offence and £100 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 34(1)

Any person procuring or parent allowing person under twelve or unlicensed person under sixteen to be trained for dangerous performances.

£5 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.

£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 76(5)

Failure to comply with order to produce a child or young person to be sent to an approved school.



Section 86(5)

Failure to comply with order to produce a child or young person who has escaped from an approved school.



Section 91(7)

Failure of person making payments under a contribution order to notify change of address to recipient.



Section 92(2)(b)

Failure to notify change of address by a father making payments under a decree for aliment to a person entitled by virtue of a contribution order.



The Trade Marks Act 1938, c. 22.

Section 60

Falsely representing that a trade mark is registered and similar offences.



The Nursing Homes Registration (Scotland) Act 1938, c. 73.

Section 8

Offences under the Act for which no express penalty is provided.



The Education Act 1944, c. 31.

Section 34(1)

Parent's failure to comply with requirement to submit child for medical examination.



Section 40(1)

Offence against section 37 or 39 (parent's failure to comply with school attendance order or to secure child's regular attendance at school).

£1 for a first offence against the relevant section, £5 for a second offence against that section and £10 for a third or subsequent offence against that section.

£10 for a first offence against the relevant section and £20 for a second or subsequent offence against that section.

Section 48(2)

Parent's failure to comply with requirement to submit child for medical examination.



Section 57(2), as set out in Schedule 2 to the

[1959 c. 72.]

Mental Health Act 1959.

Parent's failure to comply with requirement to submit child for medical examination.



Section 69(2)

Parent's failure to comply with requirement to submit child for medical examination, and county college pupil's failure to submit himself for such examination.



The Fire Services Act 1947, c.41.

Section 31(1)

Giving a false fire alarm.



The National Assistance Act 1948, c. 29.

Section 40(3) (both as originally enacted and as applied by section 19 of the Mental Health Act 1959 or section 19 of the

[1960 c. 61.]

Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1960).

Contravention of regulations as to conduct of disabled or old persons' homes.

£5 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.


Section 55


£5 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.

£10 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.

The Children Act 1948, c. 43.

Section 10(4)

Parent's failure to give address for time being to local authority having his child in care.



The Employment and Training Act 1948, c. 46.

Section 2(7).

Making a false statement for the purpose of obtaining employment or procuring employees.



The Marriage Act 1949, c. 76.

Section 76(2)

Refusal or failure to make and deliver a copy of entries in the marriage register book or a certificate that no entries have been made.



The Patents Act 1949, c. 87.

Section 91(1)

False claim or implication of patent rights in respect of article sold.



The Registered Designs Act 1949, c. 88.

Section 35

False claim or implication of registration in respect of design applied to article sold.



The National Parks Act 1949, c. 97.

Section 57

Erecting a misleading notice likely to deter the public from using a public footpath.



The Army Reserve Act 1950, c. 32.

Section 14(4) (as amended by Schedule 2 to the

[1955 c. 20.]

Revision of the Army and Air Force Acts (Transitional Provisions) Act 1955).

Failure to report for permanent service or annual training.



Section 15(1)

Inducing desertion or concealing or employing deserter, etc.



Section 15(2)

Inducing, etc., absence without leave.



Section 17(2) (as so amended).

Miscellaneous offences including insubordinate conduct and failure to comply with orders and regulations under the Act.



The Air Force Reserve Act 1950, c. 33.

Section 14(4) (as amended by Schedule 2 to the

[1955 c. 20.]

Revision of the Army and Air Force Acts (Transitional Provisions) Act 1955).

Failure to report for permanent service or annual training.



Section 15(1)

Inducing desertion or concealing or employing deserter, etc.



Section 15(2)

Inducing, etc., absence without leave.



Section 17(2) as so amended).

Miscellaneous offences including insubordinate conduct and failure to comply with orders and regulations under the Act.



The Diseases of Animals Act 1950, c.36.

Section 79(1)

Various offences under the Act.

£50 under paragraph (a), £5 for each animal under paragraph (b), £50 and in addition £10 for each half ton after the first under paragraph (c).

£200 under paragraph (a), £20 for each animal under paragraph (b), £200 and in addition £50 for each half ton after the first under paragraph (c).

The Midwives Act 1951, c. 53.

Section 8

Falsely using title of, or implying certification as, midwife.


£10 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 15(4)

Omission to give notice of intention to practise as midwife, and false statements in any such notice.


£10 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

The Midwives (Scot land) Act 1951, c 54.

Section 9

Falsely using title of, or implying certification as, midwife.


£10 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 15(4)

Omission to give notice of intention to practise as midwife, and false statements in any such notice.


£10 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

The Prison Act 1952, c. 52.

Section 40

Unlawful introduction of liquor or tobacco into prison.



Section 41

Unlawful conveyance of letters or other articles into prison.



The Prisons (Scotland) Act 1952, c. 61.

Section 30

Unlawful introduction of tobacco, spirits or other articles into prison.



The Prevention of Crime Act 1953, c. 14.

Section 1(1)

Carrying an offensive weapon in a public place without lawful authority or reasonable excuse.



The Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953, c. 20.

Section 36

Failure to give information and similar offences.


In the case of an offence under paragraph (c), £20 and in any other case £10.

Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act 1953, c. 28.

Section 1

Owning or keeping a dog which worries livestock.

£10 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

The Post Office Act 1953, c. 36.

Section 11

Sending prohibited articles through the post.



Section 60

Damaging, committing nuisances and placing injurious substances, etc., in or against letter boxes or telephone kiosks.



Section 61

Fixing things on, painting or tarring, and disfiguring letter boxes and other property of the Postmaster General.



Section 62

Imitating post office stamps, envelopes, forms, marks, etc.



Section 64

Unauthorised use of descriptions likely to mislead the public, such as " post office ", " letter box ", and " Royal Mail ".



Section 66

Sending offensive messages or false telegrams, and making unnecessary telephone calls, for the purpose of causing annoyance.



The Auxiliary Forces Act 1953, c. 50.

Section 27(2)

Inducing desertion or concealing or employing deserter, etc.



Section 31

An offence under section 27(1) of failing to report for assembling on embodiment or for home defence service.



The Pharmacy Act 1954, c. 61.

Section 19(3)

Unlawful use by an unqualified person of title " pharmaceutical chemist " or " chemist " or of a title, emblem, or description implying possession of a qualification which he does not possess.



Section 20(2)

Forgery or imitation of a certificate issued under the Pharmacy Acts.



Section 20(3)

Failure to surrender certificate of registration.



Food and Drugs Act 1955, c. 16.

Section 18(4)

Failure of incoming occupier of registered premises to give notice of change of occupiers.



Section 22(1)

Failure of dealer in ice-cream or other food to which the section applies to display his name on stall, vehicle or container from which the food is sold.



Section 23(1)

Failure of manufacturer of or dealer in ice cream to notify disease.



Section 23(3)

Using or removing ice cream in contravention of a notice.



Section 27(1)

Using or removing food in contravention of a notice.



Section 55

Selling specified articles near a market in market hours without a hawker's licence.



Section 69(2)

Failure to display sign indicating licensed slaughterhouse or knacker's yard.



Section 105(1) other than proviso.

Obstruction of persons executing Acts or subordinate instruments.



Section 105 (1) proviso.

Obstruction with intent to prevent the discovery of some other offence, or obstruction within twelve months of previous conviction of obstruction.



Section 105(3)

Failure to give assistance or information, and making false statements.



The Clean Air Act 1956, c. 52.

Section 27(1)

Allowing emission of dark smoke from chimney of private dwelling.



Section 27(2)

Offences under section 3(3) (installation of smoke emitting furnaces without proper notice) and section 11 (contravention of smoke control order).



The Affiliation Proceedings Act 1957, c. 55.

Section 9(2)

Failure by putative father to notify change of address.



The Matrimonial Proceedings (Children) Act 1958, c. 40.

Section 10(6)

Parent's failure to give address for time being to local authority having his child in care.



The Agricultural Marketing Act 1958, c. 47.

Section 6(6)

Sale of regulated product by producer in contravention of a scheme under the section.

£5 and an additional fine not exceeding half the price at which the product was sold subject to a limit of £100 on the fines which may be imposed for any one offence under the subsection.

£20 and an additional fine not exceeding half the price at which the product was sold subject to a limit of £200 on the fines which may be imposed for any one offence under the subsection.

Section 45(6)

Failing to give information or giving false information to an agricultural marketing board.



The Slaughter of Animals Act 1958, c. 8.

Section 8(2)

Obstructing inspection of slaughterhouse, etc., by authorised person.



The County Courts Act 1959, c. 22.

Section 30(1)

Assaulting an officer of the court.



The Highways Act 1959, c. 25 .

Section 117

Miscellaneous offences involving damage to or interference with a highway or its ancillary equipment.


£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 119(4)(a)

Failure to give notice to highway authority of intention to plough footpath.



Section 119(4)(b)

Failure to make good surface of footpath after ploughing.



Section 121(1)

Wilfully obstructing a highway.



Section 122.

Erecting a building or fence, or planting a hedge, in a highway without lawful authority.



Section 127

Depositing things, pitching booths, etc., or camping on a highway.



Section 130(3)

Failure to comply with notice requiring execution of works to prevent soil, etc., being washed into street.


£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 135(2)

Allowing animals to stray or lie on or at the side of a highway.

5s. 0d. for each animal found straying or lying subject to a maximum of 30s. 0d. in any one case.

£20 for a 1 first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 140(1)

Causing injury or danger by depositing things on highway.



Section 140(2)

Causing injury, interruption or danger by lighting fires or discharging firearms or fireworks on a highway.


£20 for a first offence and £50 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 140(3)

Playing games on a highway to annoyance of user.



Section 140(4)

Allowing offensive matter to run on to a highway.



Section 142(4).

Failure to comply with notice requiring construction and maintenance of gutters, etc.



Section 147

Failure to comply with requirements about erection of hoardings around building or demolition works, provision of footways for pedestrians, etc.



Section 149

Altering or removing a barrier, or extinguishing a light, erected to prevent danger from street works.



The Mental Health Act 1959, c. 72.

Section 12(3)

Parent's failure to comply with notice requiring child's daily attendance or residence at a training centre.

£1 for a first offence, £5 for a second offence, and £10 for a third or subsequent offence.

£10 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 15(3)

Breach of a condition of the registration of a mental nursing home.

£5 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.


Section 16(2)

Offences against regulations as to conduct of mental nursing homes.

£5 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.


Section 20(2)

Breach of a condition of the registration of a residential home.

£5 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.


The Road Traffic Act 1960, c. 16.

Section 147(2)

Contravention, etc., of regulations as to conduct of passengers in public service vehicles.



The Indecency with Children Act 1960, c. 33.

Section 1(1)

Indecent conduct with or towards child under fourteen.



The Matrimonial Proceedings (Magistrates' Courts) Act 1960, c. 48.

Section 3(5)

Parent's failure to notify change of address to local authority having his child in care under a matrimonial order.



Section 13(4)

Failure of person making payments under an order to notify change of address to recipient.



The Mental Health (Scotland) Act 1960, c. 61.

Section 13(3)

Parent's failure to comply with notice requiring child's daily attendance or residence at a training centre.

£1 for a first offence, £5 for a second offence, and £10 for a third or subsequent offence.

£10 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.

Section 22(2)

Offences under Part III of the Act (regulation of private hospitals and residential homes).

£5 and in addition £2 for each day on which the offence continues after conviction thereof.


The Public Health Act 1961, c. 64.

Section 39(2)

Failure to give information, or giving false information, about notifiable diseases or food poisoning.



The Education (Scotland) Act 1962, c. 47.

Section 43(1)

Offence under section 35, 41 or 42 (parent's failure without reasonable excuse to secure child's regular attendance at school or to comply with a school attendance order).

£1 for a first offence under the relevant section, £5 for a second offence under that section and £10 for a third or subsequent offence under that section.

£10 for a first offence under the relevant section and £20 for a second or subsequent offence under that section.

Section 58(2)

Parent's failure to comply with requirement to submit child for medical examination, and junior college pupil's failure to submit himself for such examination.



Section 63(2)

Parent's failure to comply with requirement to submit child for medical examination.



Section 69

Parent's failure to comply with requirement to submit child for medical examination, and junior college pupil's failure to submit himself for such examination.



The Nursing Homes Act 1963, c. 13.

Section 1(2)

Offences against regulations as to the conduct of nursing homes.

£5 for a first offence and £20 for a second or subsequent offence.


The Weights and Measures Act 1963, c. 31.

Section 52(1)

Minor offences under the Act, including offences under section 31 (failure to have road vehicle check-weighed) and section 49(1) (obstruction, etc., of inspector).


£50 for an offence under section 31 or 49(1) and £20 for an offence against any other section specified.

The Children and Young Persons Act 1963, c. 37.

Section 14

Failure of parent of child in approved school, etc., to notify that school of his address.



Section 30(5)

Failure of person liable to make payments under arrears order to notify address to recipient.



The Industrial and Provident Societies Act 1965, c. 12.

Section 61

Failing to give required notices, etc., or to furnish required information, and making false returns.



The Matrimonial Causes Act 1965, c.72.

Section 36(6)

Parent's failure to give address for time being to local authority having his child in care.



The Forestry Act 1967, c. 10.

Section 30(5)

Failure to give information or making misstatement as to interests in land.



Section 46(5)

Offences against byelaws.

£10 in the case of byelaws for the New Forest and £5 in other cases.

£20 in all cases.

Section 48(3)

Obstruction of officers of Forestry Commissioners.



PART IIIncrease of Limit on Fines which may be imposed by Subordinate Instruments


Description of Offence

Old maximum fine

New maximum fine

The Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847, c. 27.

Section 84

Contravention of byelaws.



The Dockyard Port Regulation Act 1865, c. 125.

Section 6

Offences against port regulations.



The Metropolitan Public Carriage Act 1869, c. 115.

Section 10

Contravention of regulations as to hackney and stage carriages.



The Tramways Act 1870, c. 78.

Section 47

Contravention of byelaws regulating tramways and prohibiting nuisances on trams.



The Explosives Act 1875, c. 17.

Sections 11 and 19.

Breach of special rules for regulation of workmen in gunpowder factories and stores.



Section 34

Contravention of harbour authorities' bye-laws as to conveyance, loading and unloading of gunpowder.



Section 35

Contravention of railway byelaws as to conveyance, loading and unloading of gunpowder.



Section 36

Contravention of wharf byelaws as to loading and unloading of gunpowder.



Section 37

Contravention of byelaws as to conveyance by road, etc., and loading and unloading of gunpowder.



The Public Health Act 1875, c. 55.

Section 183

Contravention of local authority's byelaws.



The Commons Act 1876, c. 56.

Section 16

Contravention of byelaws for management, etc., of regulated pastures.



The Local Government Act 1933, c. 51.

Section 251

Contravention of local authority's byelaws.



The Harbours, Piers and Ferries (Scotland) Act 1937, c. 28.

Section 11(2)

Contravention of byelaws relating to marine works, made under section 83 of the Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847, as applied by section 10 of the said Act of 1937.



The Local Government (Scotland) Act 1947, c. 43.

Section 302

Contravention of local authority's byelaws.



The Harbours Act 1964, c. 40.

Section 22(2)

Contravention of bye-laws for securing that a scheme for the safe movement of ships in a harbour is not impeded.



The Plant Health Act 1967, c. 8.

Section 3(4)(a)

Contravention of orders made under section 3 for preventing the spread in Great Britain of the Colorado beetle.

£100 for an offence against any such order of keeping or distributing live specimens of the beetle and £50 for other offences.

£100 or, for an offence committed after a previous conviction of an offence against any such order, £200.

Section 3(4)(b)

Contravention of other orders under section 3.

£10 for a first offence against any such order and £50 for an offence committed after a previous conviction of an offence against that order.

£100 or, for an offence committed after a previous conviction of an offence against any such order, £200.

PART IIIAmendment of Section 24 of the Public Health (Scotland) Act 1897 (c. 38)

In section 24 of the Public Health (Scotland) Act 1897 (failure to comply with decree and knowing infringement of interdict relating to nuisances under section 16, including nuisances under subsections (6) and (8) of that section arising from the conduct of factories, businesses, etc.) the provision imposing a penalty for such a failure or infringement shall have effect as if £20 were substituted for five pounds and £50 for ten pounds in the case of nuisances under the said subsection (6) or (8) of section 16, and as if £2 were substituted for ten shillings in respect of such a failure and £5 for twenty shillings in respect of such an infringement in the case of any other nuisance under that section.

PART IVAmendments Extending to Northern Ireland

Section 92 and Parts I and II of this Schedule shall extend to Northern Ireland so far as they amend the following enactments :—

  • section 45 of the [1863 c. 112.] Telegraph Act 1863 ;

  • section 6 of the [1865 c. 125.] Dockyard Ports Regulation Act 1865 ;

  • section 11 of the [1884 c. 76.] Post Office (Protection) Act 1884 ;

  • section 17 of the [1892 c. 43.] Military Lands Act 1892 ;

  • sections 2 and 3 of the [1894 c. 45.] Uniforms Act 1894 ;

  • section 60 of the [1938 c. 22.] Trade Marks Act 1938 ;

  • section 91(1) of the [1949 c. 87.] Patents Act 1949 ;

  • section 35 of the [1949 c. 88.] Registered Designs Act 1949 ;

  • sections 14(4), 15(1) and (2), and 17(2) of the [1950 c. 32.] Army Reserve Act 1950;

  • sections 14(4), 15(1) and (2), and 17(2) of the [1950 c. 33.] Air Force Reserve Act 1950;

  • sections 11, 60, 61, 62, 64 and 66 of the [1953 c. 36.] Post Office Act 1953;

  • sections 27(2) and 31 of the [1953 c. 50.] Auxiliary Forces Act 1953 ;

  • sections 6(6) and 45(6) of the [1958 c. 47.] Agricultural Marketing Act 1958.