Countryside (Scotland) Act 1967

Section 11.

SCHEDULE 2General Restrictions to be observed by persons having access by virtue of Part II of this Act to land which is or which gives or forms part of access to Open Country

Section 11(1) of this Act shall not apply to a person who, upon the land in question, commits any crime or offence, or who without lawful authority,—

(a)drives or rides any vehicle ;

(b)lights any fire or does any act which is likely to cause a fire;

(c)takes, or allows to enter or remain, any dog not under proper control;

(d)wilfully kills, takes or molests any animal, bird or fish or takes or injures any eggs or nests;

(e)bathes in any non-tidal water in contravention of a notice displayed near the water prohibiting bathing, being a notice displayed, and purporting to be displayed, with the approval of the local planning authority;

(f)engages in any operations of or connected with hunting, shooting, fishing, snaring, taking or destroying of animals, birds or fish, or brings or has any engine, instrument or apparatus used for hunting, shooting, fishing, snaring, taking or destroying animals, birds or fish ;

(g)wilfully damages the land or anything thereon or therein;

(h)obstructs the flow of any drain or watercourse, opens, shuts or otherwise interferes with any sluice-gate or other apparatus, or neglects to shut any gate or to fasten it if any means of so doing is provided ;

(i)affixes or writes any advertisement, bill, placard or notice ;

(j)deposits any rubbish or leaves any litter ;

(k)wantonly disturbs, annoys or obstructs any person engaged in any lawful occupation.