PART IIAccess to Open Country

26Maps of land subject to public access

(1)A local planning authority whose area comprises any land—

(a)which is subject to an access agreement or order, or

(b)which has been acquired under either of the two last foregoing sections and is for the time being held for the purpose for which it was acquired,

shall prepare and keep up to date a map, on such scale as may be prescribed, defining in such manner as may be prescribed—

(i)the land subject to the agreement or order or the land acquired and held as aforesaid, as the case may be;

(ii)in the case of land subject to such an agreement or order, any land comprised therein which is excepted land;

(iii)in the case of land acquired and held as aforesaid, any land comprised therein from which, for the purpose of avoiding danger to the public or to persons employed thereon or for any other reason, the public are excluded.

(2)An authority who are required by the foregoing subsection to prepare and keep up to date any map shall, so long as they are required so to do, have copies of the map and of the notices referred to in paragraph (b) below available for inspection by the public at such places as the authority may determine ; and the authority shall display, at such places as they think fit, including places where the public obtain access to the land to which the map relates—

(a)reproductions of the map on an appropriate scale,

(b)notices specifying any restrictions on access to the land or .any part thereof, whether the restrictions have effect by virtue of any of the provisions of this Part of this Act or otherwise.