Countryside (Scotland) Act 1967

3Duties of the Commission

The Commission shall have the following duties—

(a)to keep tinder review all matters relating to the provision, development and improvement of facilities for the enjoyment of the countryside, the conservation and enhancement of its natural beauty and amenity, and the need to secure public access to the countryside for the purposes of open-air recreation; and to consult with such local planning authorities and other bodies as appear to the Commission to have an interest in those matters;

(b)to encourage, assist, concert or promote the implementation of any proposals with respect to those matters made by any other person or body, being proposals which the Commission consider to be suitable ;

(c)to exercise the functions relating to development projects or schemes conferred on them by section 5 below;

(d)to consult with local planning authorities regarding the exercise of their powers under section 48 below and from time to time to advise them thereanent;

(e)to advise the Secretary of State or any other Minister or any public body on such matters relating to the countryside as he or they may refer to the Commission or as the Commission may think fit.