
PART IIIPublic Paths and Long-Distance Routes

Creation of public paths

33Making up and maintenance of public paths

(1)On the creation of a public path in pursuance of a public path creation agreement, or on the coming into operation of a public path creation order or public path diversion order, the local planning authority shall carry out such work as appears to them to be necessary to bring it into a fit condition for use by the public as a public path in conformity with the terms and conditions of the said agreement or order, as the case may be, and shall maintain it in such condition.

(2)If the Secretary of State is not satisfied that the local planning authority have carried out such work as is necessary to bring a public path referred to in subsection (1) above into a fit condition for use by the public as a public path or to maintain it in that condition, he may certify what work appears to him to be necessary for this purpose.

(3)If the local planning authority are not satisfied with a certificate made under subsection (2) above, the Secretary of State shall either cause a local inquiry to be held or shall give to the local planning authority an opportunity of being heard by a person appointed by him for the purpose, and, after considering the report of the person appointed to hold the inquiry or the person appointed as aforesaid, shall make such order either confirming or varying the certificate as he may think fit.

(4)Subject to the provisions of subsection (3) above, it shall be the duty of the local planning authority to carry out the work specified in a certificate made under subsection (2) above.